A Conversation for Is Ignorance Bliss?
My thoughts exactly. Sort of. I think
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Started conversation May 30, 2017
If only we could interview Schrödinger's , Pavlov's
and the white
I believe we would be quite a few steps closer to understanding the answer
My thoughts exactly. Sort of. I think
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted May 31, 2017
I am not convinced that ignorance is all that blissful. If it is willful and used to denigrate others, or pretend that it will excuse you from helping your neighbours, it won't do you any good in the long run. I think blissful bags of water don't do much good for anyone.
My thoughts exactly. Sort of. I think
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Jun 4, 2017
Very true, both, I believe being in a state of blissed out extasty can be fun though
If that's teh sort of thing you like, of course, I guess
Also, I guess, in a way, being blissfully unaware (in either state of knowing or not knowing of the blissfullness), is, in its very nature a powerless state of being, as without knowledge there is no power.... and I guess being blissfully unaware does rather suggest a state that is powerless in terms of its lack of knowledge inherent in such a state.... Mind, it does seem possible for some people to both be powerful, in obtained knowledge state, yet still remain blissfully unaware, I assume due to an inability to successfully be able to use, and utalise such knowledge, or at least adapt it for transformational purposes...
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My thoughts exactly. Sort of. I think
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