A Conversation for August Create: The Igloo

Great anecdote, MVP.

Post 1

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

I remember building a snow tunnel as a kid and some pretty good sized snow men but what an architectural wonder to have an igloo as a playhouse! How smiley - cool is that? smiley - smiley

Great anecdote, MVP.

Post 2


Thanks Elektra. smiley - smiley

Great anecdote, MVP.

Post 3


We built one a few years back with our kids, had a great time doing it and then letting them demolish it with me inside! I hope they have fond memories that will last as long as yours have MVP smiley - cheers

Great anecdote, MVP.

Post 4


That sounds fun! smiley - rofl

Great anecdote, MVP.

Post 5


Great igloo story, mvp! I did comment, but somehow I managed to find your igloo in another Create thread, still in the Post though, this edition, so I'm on the same planet. Sort of. smiley - rofl

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