Dressed for the Occasion Wherever you go, there you are. You know that. Here at h2g2, we're sure you want to be dressed for the occasion. Why not try your hand at our Create Challenge? To keep you up with worldwide fashion trends, we've got a quiz that will test your knowledge of couture, past and present.
Speaking of challenges, keep this in mind: November's just around the corner. You know what that means: NaJoPoMo. November's the month for journal-writing. Have you planned your 30-day opus yet? Many have already signed up. If you need ideas, ask Magwitch to fill you in.
Our Core Team is over the moon about h2g2's passing the two-year mark. (No, that's NOT the Core Team in the picture. The Core Team don't clean up that well.) Yes, folks, for two years now, we've been on our own. And you see some of the results, right here at the h2g2 Post: excitement, adventure, and really wild things.
The Usual Suspects are back with cinema, advice, and humour. Willem's got another astounding wildlife adventure for you. Freewayriding's risen to the local legend challenge, with a spooky October tale that will raise the hairs on the back of your neck. Rod reports in with the latest on his wood-carving project, and Beatrice is still sampling the high life in Vegas. All in all, you'll find a lot to enjoy here.
A word of warning for next week: Halloween is coming. We know that not everyone is a fan of the scary Stuff. We promise to include the standard mental health warnings. But if you've got a ghostly or ghastly tale to tell, or a picture of you in your favourite costume, send it in early! Space is limited! And may the October winds blow your way.
Dmitri Gheorgheni