A Conversation for I Dreamt That I Was Crying

I liked the wistfulness of this.

Post 1

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Thanks for sharing this with us.

I liked the wistfulness of this.

Post 2

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - bigeyes

How odd.
I had a recent dream that I was urinating.
It felt real. I could feel the discharge flow
and the growing sense of relief as it did so.

At which point I awoke sufficiently to know
I was asleep, in bed and dreaming and was
startled into wakefulness deeply concerned
that I had finally reached that point of old age
where incontinence becomes a real problem.

To my delight I found all was dry. It had been
entirely a dream, a very real dream, too real.

Yes, I did have to go and did get up and dew my
business with even greater relief to know that
it is not yet time for rubber sheets.
smiley - offtopic
Sorry, if this seems to spoil the mood of my
friend clzoomer's true confession of tearless
crying - which I too find profound and meaningful
in a mysterious way - but where else was I going
to be able tell my experience in a relevant way.
It might even be an interpretation of his dream.
smiley - offtopic
smiley - cheers

I liked the wistfulness of this.

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - facepalm Words cannot express my emotions at reading that comment, jwf.

Thank you for sharing.

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