A Conversation for h2g2 French Meet in 2013
Superfrenchie Posted Feb 2, 2013
The English pronunciation is Reams (the English spelling being Rheims).
In French, it's a nasal vowel, the same as in "vin" (wine) or "pain" (bread).
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Feb 2, 2013
Wouldn't Raems be closer to the proper French pronounciation than Reams? Just saying (never had a French lesson meself, but I've been there)
Superfrenchie Posted Feb 2, 2013
How you would pronounce this "Raems", Pierce?
The proper English pronunciation is with a long i, like the one in "tree".
The French pronunciation, well... it doesn't exist in English, so it's a bit hard to explain...
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Feb 2, 2013
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Jun 12, 2013
Take the word Rancid, and lose the -id.
At least, that's the way I was told to pronounce it, but draw out the 'a'.
myk Posted Jun 12, 2013
Oh i get it, it's just like: ʁɛ̃s !?
(hootoo really should support the IPA characters / unicode - or does it? )
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- 1: coelacanth (Feb 2, 2013)
- 2: Superfrenchie (Feb 2, 2013)
- 3: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Feb 2, 2013)
- 4: Superfrenchie (Feb 2, 2013)
- 5: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Feb 2, 2013)
- 6: Superfrenchie (Feb 2, 2013)
- 7: myk (Jun 12, 2013)
- 8: MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. (Jun 12, 2013)
- 9: You can call me TC (Jun 12, 2013)
- 10: myk (Jun 12, 2013)
- 11: myk (Jun 12, 2013)
- 12: myk (Jun 12, 2013)
- 13: Superfrenchie (Jun 12, 2013)
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