And Madness the Soul of the Plot
Every once in a while, the Post Staff and writers just go mad. This often happens in March. That wind out there is driving us bonkers, we tell you. We've got all these ideas racing through our heads. We just have to vent – with poetry about snakeskins and pictures of abstract ducks and tales of the weird and mysterious.
In our defence, we'd like to point out that the world is a pretty mad place, as well. Awix has a mad movie to tell about – and it's really in the cinema. (We checked.) Spimcoot tells us a mad tale about how he got started – and his book is in bookstores. (Go get a copy.) There were really Wigwam Motels. And there's really a memorial like that in Christchurch – a sane response to a maddening event.
When the world around you goes mad, what do you do? You consult h2g2, of course – the Guide that says 'Don't Panic' in large, friendly letters.
If you've found a way to cope with the madness, why, you write. Send us your Stuff.
Have a safe (but not sane!) week, my friends.
Post scriptum: There is a non-mad section of this issue. One of the sanest things we publish, as you know, is the series by benjaminpmoore. Ben is the voice of reason on behalf of caregivers everywhere. Therefore, the Editor wishes to apologise publicly for the censorship of his excellent essay, which grew out of weariness of fighting with the filther. All who read Ben's article will, I think, understand, applaud the sentiments, and appreciate the irony.
Dmitri Gheorgheni