A Conversation for The Apopoplex is A-Coming

Thar she blows!

Post 1

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - snork
I saw on the news that your local volcano is
showing signs of life and renewed vigour and I
almost revived the 'Welcome To The Shaky Isles'
that started after the big earthquake(s) in the past
few years. But I wasn't sure how it would go.

I am so glad to hear you are maintaining both your
sense of humour and your life-long ability to devise
so many devious money-making schemes. You know
I'd sign-up in a heartbeat if I had a heart.

smiley - laugh

Thar she blows!

Post 2


It's a funny ol' whorl: a school party was reported fleeing, an adult party ignored advice & went (but no further reports on them <whatashame&gtsmiley - winkeye.

It's just playing really - getting some practice in...

Thar she blows!

Post 3


Oh go on - 50% reduction, just for you.

Thar she blows!

Post 4


My favorite volcano is Arenal in Costa Rica and I'm guessing a Mayan space ship has a better escape of escaping the Earth's surly bonds than a Maori canoe - so should I pay in Colones?

Thar she blows!

Post 5


Certainly, tucuxii. just convert it before you send it.
That will be 2,083,333.33 Colones please - and you're responsible for the interim bank charges.

Ah, hootoo discount... smiley - erm... call it CRC2,050,000.00.

Welcome. Enjoy the BBQ


Thar she blows!

Post 6


That's good - just so you know the Colones Neuvo has the word MONOPOLY written across it in big letters

Thar she blows!

Post 7


Thanks, I didn't know that - the pics I've seen all say SPECIMEN. Probably somewhere about the same purchasing power though.

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