Space, Love, and Fitness Well, something like that. Awix watched a film about the end of the world, and it turns out worms live longer in space. Ramya thinks we should treat each other better (so do we), while benjaminpmoore, as always, tells us a bit about how to do that.
Willem's found a lovely owl (we want one), and Phoenician Trader's been cathedral-spotting. Most of all, our contributors have been out exercising, so they can write for this month's Create challenge. Send your fitness reports to us – we'll publish them in between our pool sessions. Bel and Deke show you how, with bikes and kayaks.
A word about the missing 'Duck Tails': Dr Anthea is on maternity leave, as she has her hands full with Charles James Noah. We expect him to start drawing any day now, but in the meantime, be patient, and drop Mum a line.
Create never stops working: this time, in addition to the monthly challenge, they've issued a Challenge Extra for July-September, centring around photography and rescuing Stuff from the Flea Market. (Bargains to be found at the Flea Market, honest.) Nip over there. To encourage you, next week, the Post will feature a Guide Entry quiz. (And if the GEs don't pass, I'll make mock of them.)
Enjoy your week, froods, and remember to send in your Stuff!
Dmitri Gheorgheni