A seasonal haiku challenge.

3 Conversations

The interesting thing about haikus is not that they follow the 5 –7 – 5 syllable format. The interesting thing is that classically they should contain season words, words which evoke the time of year the haiku writer is living through.

This makes a perfect match for a Create challenge centring on the theme of Nature, as many of the words and phrases we might choose to define spring (or, for those living in the South, autumn) are connected with the natural world.

Kanroku-en (Six Attributes Garden) in Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan.

So this is your challenge.

Go for a walk. Find something out there which strikes you as being particularly evocative of spring (*cough* autumn *cough*). Describe it in a 5 – 7 – 5 syllable format. If you can create a juxtaposition between the first two lines and the last, or the first line and the last two, so much the better.

Then come back here and post it below.

There is more information about haiku writing, both the technicalities and the more aesthetic considerations, here. And if you enjoy doing this, why not visit the long-running h2g2 haiku challenge page?

And after that warm up, why not pop over to the 42 word story challenge and try your hand at that too.

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