A Conversation for The Post Advent Calendar 2011
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~~A Nativity Calender Smiley story~~
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Dec 23, 2011
>> that place on top of Mount Washington, and I think
it's not a good place for children to live. <<
If memory serves it still holds the record for the
lowest temperature ever in the lower 48 as well as
the deepest snowfall and highest winds.
~~A Nativity Calender Smiley story~~
Vip Posted Dec 23, 2011
I've heard of that railway - it crops up in a science fiction book, 'Intervention' by Julian May. I love reading her books because she doesn't feel the need to explain all these places or all the phrases. That way when I re-read them once a year or so I usually find that I now recognise something new.
Last year it was Banff, after I stayed there on my visit to the Rockies, and this year it will be Mount Washington. There really is a railway (but it's unlikely to be the site of a mind-power world conference), and the weather really is pretty awful in the winter.
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~~A Nativity Calender Smiley story~~
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