A Conversation for Manchester Meet - Saturday February 18th 2012

It's all a good thing

Post 1


Friday afternoon and people are starting to gather....

It's all a good thing

Post 2



It's all a good thing

Post 3

Bald Bloke

Just checking in at the Ibis, what time and pub do you want to start in.


It's all a good thing

Post 4

Metal Chicken

Heading for the train now, see you soon smiley - cidersmiley - smiley

It's all a good thing

Post 5


In Port St Beer House now BB smiley - cheers

It's all a good thing

Post 6


Quarter past one I got to bed last night, and that's just the pre-meet! smiley - rofl

Got to meet some of the old friends I've made here, and some new ones too. Can't wait for today, but could have done with some more sleep.

It's all a good thing

Post 7

Sho - employed again!

sleep is overrated - and you know it's the last thing you should plan for a meet weekend!

It's all a good thing

Post 8

Bald Bloke

Surfaced, breakfasted and now looking out the window at the Manchester drizzle.


PS Pasteys 1st barrel of meet special ale went down very well last night!!!

Hope he's got some more for later today smiley - smiley

It's all a good thing

Post 9


Awake both in person and on here. Lovely to be back after nine years, though I might just see if I can get another ten minutes.

It's all a good thing

Post 10

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Oh well, at least I got a good long night's sleep smiley - biggrin

Have fun, guys smiley - ok

smiley - pirate

It's all a good thing

Post 11

Secretly Not Here Any More

I managed to cadge a lift home, and didn't get shouted at. My timing is superb.

It's all a good thing

Post 12


And I'm on my train from London. I don't think I'll do the museum, but I'm going to explore a little bit in Manchester. Is it raining?

See you all at the Font later!
smiley - bluefish

It's all a good thing

Post 13


it's not raining at the moment

It's all a good thing

Post 14


Looking at the sky, I think I might be bringing it with me!
smiley - bluefish

It's all a good thing

Post 15

Candi - now 42!

I'm waiting for the bus to take me down to the train station for the short train ride to Manchester. I can only attend the afternoon museum bit, unfortunately.

It's all a good thing

Post 16

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

Has had a shower, a large cup of tea, and some Shreddies. and is now pottering about on the internet until it's time to head back into town.

minismiley - mouse

It's all a good thing

Post 17

Secretly Not Here Any More

I'm in a pub in Leeds. Cracking.

It's all a good thing

Post 18


I'm at MOSI wondering if everyone is still in Cask...

It's all a good thing

Post 19

Secretly Not Here Any More

Cask or a pie exhibition. What a choice...

It's all a good thing

Post 20

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - envysmiley - wah

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