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BR: Watching people to a PS have a suffix appended

Post 1

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

If you look at the lower of my space, U14756795, ...

Not a lot of friends have found or attached to this incarnation. But each is displayed as Someone-or-other - Nick

My suffix, mandatory at the moment to even display a name, is appended down there as well

BR: Watching people to a PS have a suffix appended

Post 2

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Oooooh, ... smiley - bigeyes

Look at the followers of Auntie Giggles, there are a zillion giggles to be seen. smiley - winkeye

BR: Watching people to a PS have a suffix appended

Post 3


I've just tried all skins, but don't see anything wrong. smiley - huh

BR: Watching people to a PS have a suffix appended

Post 4

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Strangely enough, it was still there an hour ago. Since then, I tried the new-and-improved 'Settings' and my name looks normal ... As do my following friends' names.

But if you look at the end group of this one (U551837) you will see there are a LOT of giggles. So until folks again play the 'Settings' game, perhaps?

BR: Watching people to a PS have a suffix appended

Post 5


Ah, ok I see it now (also on my own page). I think it was like that already on BBC though. Which of course doesn't mean that it shouldn't be corrected. smiley - winkeye

BR: Watching people to a PS have a suffix appended

Post 6

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

I'm fairly sure that I would have noticed that on my very small list before. It's perhaps just a 'function' of the newer naming and suffix thing that needed to be built on-the-fly since carving out the BBCiD hunks of code.

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