Talking Point: Your worst day at work ever
Created | Updated Dec 11, 2002
Unfortunately most of us have to work for a living and the office can be a place of torment, torture and dispair. There are many little trials sent to test you, the fax machine will chew the only copy of an important document, your hand will get stuck in the photocopier, and you will accidently forward your disparaging reply to a boss's email to the entire company instead of your mate.
This week we want you to step into the Talking Point confessional and tell us about your worst day at work ever....
What happened on your worst day at work?
Did anyone important witness your humiliation?
Are you an evil boss who delights in giving your underlings a hard time?
Or are you the sort of employee who runs rings round their boss?
Without naming names, do you work with someone who has made your nine-to-five existence hell?
Did you ever get your own back?
Graphic supplied by Community Artist Amy the Ant