A Conversation for Talking Point: Your worst day at work ever


Post 1

Frankie Roberto

I notice the italics are conspiscuously absent from this talking point...


Post 2




Post 3

Frankie Roberto

So... then. Worst days in the towers? I wonder what they'd include...

Battling with BBC beurocracy?
Editing tedius, trying-to-be-funny entries?
Arguing with researchers who are trying to catch you out with chapter 9, section 4, page 6, paragraph 2, clause 1 of some obscure UN charter?
Panicing madly when the system starts being faulty?
Wading through technical questions on h2g2 feedback?
Trying to decide whether some odd comment is a feature suggestion/bug report?




Post 4


Sounds similar to what I might have put, yes! smiley - winkeye

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