The h2g2 Post 24.10.11

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 24th October 2011

Excitement, Adventure, Really Wild Things

Greetings, h2g2 regulars! Welcome, new members! Welcome back, all you froods that got emails! This is the new h2g2 – owned and operated by Not Panicking, Ltd, and all its volunteers. This is me and you.

If you haven't been here for awhile, or if you're new, you might be wondering what to do next. (You also might be wondering about all those weird usernames. That's just Halloween anagrams. Ignore them, they'll go back to an approximation of sanity on All Saints' Day. We use the term 'sanity' loosely around here.) We have a few suggestions about how to use your copious free time:

  • Make a friend. Chat in a thread, visit a journal, read a personal space, leave a personal message. Lots of good people out there.
  • Write. Learn about the challenges on Create. Contribute to the ongoing Post challenges: The Post Olympic Time Travel Challenge needs you! Also, the The Post Art Challenge is calling to your camera. You know you want to. And do not forget the Guide, our reason for being: get those Olympic entries into Peer Review.
  • Read. That's what we're here for. There are over 10,000 entries in the Guide. Use the search button (it works!), or hit the Infinite Improbability Drive for a random treat. The Post has been confusing readers since 1999, and we're proud of it. Search our archives. Please.

The current issue is full of excitement, adventure, and really wild things, as usual. Tim Stevenson tells us about a new invention that's even more incredibly useful than a Babel Fish. Solnushka's got everything you want to know about NaNoWriMo. There are cool cultural items from Awix, Minorvogonpoet, Bel and h5ringer. There's a bit of nonsense from me, but I try to keep the filler to a minimum.

Enjoy the positive energy this week. Next week, the Post will present its, er, monster Halloween issue. smiley - evilgrin You have been warned. (Note to budding Stephen Kings: Send your scary story to us by clicking on 'Email the Post Team' below.

Dmitri Gheorgheni




  • Why Poetry?

  • Minorvogonpoet asks (and answers) the burning question.


  • NaNoWriMo

  • Solnushka gets the dope on the big writing project.












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