A Conversation for Introducing the Volunteer Teams

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 1

h2g2 Communications

We will of course continue with the existing volunteer schemes, but if you want to sign up as a new volunteer, or just confirm your interest in the existing schemes, then sign up here to help Pastey, Phil and Ottox move us to our new home.

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 2



Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 3

Mrs Zen

Excellent! Fresh Blood smiley - vampiresmiley - batsmiley - vampire

.... er... um... I meant to say "Thank you" and "Welcome". smiley - magic

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 4


Haragai, can you give us a quick run down of your techy skillset? If you don't fancy putting it on site you can email me on steve dot dunkley atsymbolthing gmail dot com

Us techies have got a *lot* to do, not trying to frighten you away :D And we're the ones that have to get up and running *very* quickly.

In fact we should be starting doing stuff today with any luck. We've got a reasonable skill base available already, but there are some definite holes and I'd rather spread the work load around.

smiley - rose

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 5


To use a popular saying: "It's in the mail" smiley - winkeye

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 6


Hello nerds and geeks,
The noesis offsite volunteer forum is now up and running. We plan to use those as a home for volunteers and the editorial brain trust. So if we could move there, that would be terrific.

To do so, follow this quick two-step process.

Step 1- Sign up for an account at http://forum.noesify.com/
Step 2- Let Ottox, Vip or myself know the user name of your noesis account and the group(s) you've signed up for. We will then put you into the appropriate user group(s) on noesis, and you will be able to see the corresponding forums.

As nerds, I'm certain you can accomplish this smiley - winkeye

You can post your user name to this conversation, one of our personal spaces, or you can email me at "jodantaylor" of the gmail variety of email address. We'll get to you as soon as possible - but keep in mind that things like time zones, w*rk and real life do exist (for some).

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 7

Mrs Zen

We're looking at re-establishing the Gurus - A395714 - if you're interested then drop your name in here.

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 8

Phoenician Trader

I have signed up to neoesify - same name as here. My time is seriously overbooked at the moment (I doubt if I am unique) but I may be of some assistance.

smiley - lighthouse

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 9


Hi Phoenician, I understand real life can overbook time smiley - biggrin

If you've got some tech skills (not always a necessity) could you drop me a quick email about them to the address in the posting up there?

We're trying to get an idea of who can do what so we know how best we can get people helping.

smiley - rose

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 10

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Dropping my name in for the (non-technical) Guru thingy.

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 11


Sorry kea, you're already in it smiley - biggrin The sterling work you're doing with the help pages is the first main thing the Gurus need to do!

The Gurus will be a much brighter place with your presence.

smiley - rose

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 12

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

smiley - laugh Thanks Pastey, I'm slowly catching up to where I am smiley - silly

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 13

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I tried to apply to be a guru in 2003...
that makes me feel old
and I'm rustier than i used to be smiley - sadface
but I'd love to help if and when i can

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 14


Hi DrA, it looks like we're starting to build a nice team smiley - smiley

Could you either email me a quick techy skillset or post it here if you like (email address higher up).

If you don't consider yourself techy, you might well be surprised.
The Gurus do *not* have to be techy, I'll state that here, and almost certainly in other places, but it's handy to know what we're working with when it comes to peoples abilities. I'm a big believer on getting volunteers to help where they're most helpful. Some people are better than others at catching questions and saying "Good question, I'll find someone who knows the answer... " than others, and that itself is a massive help to a confused researcher, just knowing someone is on the case. smiley - smiley

smiley - rose

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 15

IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system

Hey folks!

I haven't been around much lately smiley - elvis, but have fond memories of this place, and would love to be a part of its future success, and I'm a web developer by trade, so may be of some technical help - although I won't promise too much in case I don't find the time to deliver. This summer is looking particularly busy, but in general, my heart's in the right place, as it were... smiley - erm

Skillset-wise smiley - geek: Current programming tasks tend to involve PHP, PostgreSQL, jQuery, and whatever other bits and pieces I'm called upon for. I also spent some time a few years ago helping out with the technical side of Wikipedia/MediaWiki, and ended up doing a fair amount of "triage" and communication between users and developers regarding bug reports and feature requests.

smiley - zoom I've "noesified" myself as user "IMSoP", so if someone points me in the right direction, I'll have a look what's going on over there...

smiley - erm[IMSoP]smiley - geek

PS: Since I'm using Goo, this post demonstrates at least one Known Issue... smiley - winkeye

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 16

IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system

Oh, and bits of Linux administration and random utility scripts, if you ever need someone for that kind of thing...

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 17


IMSoP, you ever touched on Zend?

smiley - rose

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 18

IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system

Not really, I'm afraid, but I'd love an excuse to get to know it smiley - winkeye

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 19


Sign up over at http://forum.noesify.com and we'll get you access to the tech team smiley - winkeye

smiley - rose

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 20


I'd like to be on the techy side as much as possible. I'm currently working in industry on the back end of a website. Working on Java, with the struts framework. I know hibernate (well enough to know it's a pain but also useful smiley - groan ), connecting to a MySQL database. I've used Oracle databases, with PL/SQL scripts on there. I'm frequently using JBoss/apache servers. I know php quite extensively from my Uni days, and some projects I've messed about with. I know Perl, and am currently having to edit something in perl - so fun! smiley - winkeye. I know cronjobs, I know lots of random things. Of course HTML, XML, JSP...etc.

Although Java is probably my main language, I also knwo C/C++, and have dabbled in a bit of 3D with C#.

Jack of all trades master of none smiley - winkeye

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