A Conversation for Introducing the Volunteer Teams

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 21


same as above, head over and we'll get you onboard smiley - smiley

smiley - rose

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 22


Ta muchly!

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 23


I'll drop in as a none-too-techy guru with a bit of potentially relevant experience and occasional time to help. I'm signed up as purplejenny on Noesis forum, but unable to fathom how to join one of these 'groups' of which you speak. As I said, none-too-techy! smiley - smiley

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 24

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

you need to be let into the group
I'm sure someone who can will sort it out asap

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 25

Mrs Zen

You have to be added to the relevant groups by Jordan, Vip or Ottox.

Incidentally, if you are interested in contributing to the Mods, then there's an email address somewhere.....

I am useless and tired and don't know where it is. Try the Community Team's volunteer list, perhaps.


Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 26


Lovely to see you, purplejenny! I'll get you added to a couple of groups straight away, and we can discuss exactly where you want to be once you're in. smiley - ok

smiley - fairy

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 27

Alan Williams

Hello, I wish to throw my hat into the ring. I am willing to help as needed. I have taken a one semester class on java/python. I am currently (just started) studying for the Comptia A+ exam. I am best at being a "tech support" guy, not a coder. No database experience.
My username is aw1231 on noesis.

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 28

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

You made it over smiley - cool

If you don't get a reply for a while, please bump this thread up again smiley - smiley The Techs are pretty busy still with the site transfer.

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 29


Helloooo.. so you want to be tech support? smiley - cool

We'll be in touch very soon!

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 30


Can you e mail [email protected] if you're interested in tech support and we'll sort things out.

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 31

Malabarista - now with added pony

He's contacted us - I've left that e-mail marked unread so you can find it, Z smiley - ok

Tech Team - sign up as a NooHooToo volunteer.

Post 32

Alan Williams


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