A Conversation for CAC - 24.10.02
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Started conversation Oct 25, 2002
First and most importantly a word of thanks and congratulations to Amy for creating our new logo.
It was finished and added after I wrote the page so it only looks like I forgot to mention it or was rude enough to not say thanks in a grand and public way.
Also, there is a corrected version of this page (minus the beautiful new logo of course) available at A841727 where I had actually fixed the embarassing typo in the final paragraph, apparently after had made their copy.
Post Team Posted Oct 25, 2002
You must remember that once you say 'it's now ready - go and get it', we often DO just that.
For once, because I was on half-term holiday, most Post articles were edited on the Tuesday and we had both finished very early on the Wednesday of publication!
Luckily Greebo was around to sort it for you
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