A Conversation for Talking Point: Coincidences

Resuscitation attempt

Post 1


This thread has been quiet for some time but by coincidence I came across it while on holiday in Turkey. Does that count as meeting an old friend in an unusual place?

Ian Fleming wrote in one of the James Bond Books, Happenstance, coincidence, enemy action. In other words if you bump into someone or something happens things just happen, if it happens again it may be coincidence but if it happens a third time it is deliberate and if you are a spy consider it to be enemy activity.

My best coincidence was when I was hitch-hiking from Cornwall to Birmingham. The very first car that came along offered me a lift. The driver was heading for a local airport and was flying to Wolverhampton in his company's aeroplane. He gave me a lift the whole way. (Getting out half way could have been disastrous I suppose!).

I would be interested to know how many people would put this down to Providence.

Resuscitation attempt

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

That really is the most amazing luck! smiley - biggrin

Or perhaps God really really wanted you to get to the Midlands. smiley - winkeye

Resuscitation attempt

Post 3


I was going to a religious retreat!

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