A Conversation for Talking Point: Coincidences


Post 1

Researcher 203637

Every thing in life is based on the chaos theory, other bodies interact with the general running of all life on planet earth, from bacteria to man. One has an effect on another.Coincidence is just pure random chance, not pre-determined by any other force.


Post 2


ok could you please explain to me what pure random chance is because that's also as baffaling as trying to figure out what coincidence is i mean to think that there is no force that binds the universe together is just as obsurd as to think there is one in that you don't know why we are here and coincidence is one of the big baffling things we experience, and also that some coincidences have no meaning what so ever just that it happened but some things just were ment to be like meeting people in an odd way or hearing the right song at the right time to get your a**e in gear(sorry administrators i had no other way of saying it and hey i did use the stars). Anyway i think coincidence is a great thing and is one of the main things in life that we have to deal with maybe not even figure out, because after all i say we are not here to know merely to observe


Post 3


There is nothing absurd in thinking that the universe is bound by forces. Physicists have demonstrated the presence of four forces throughout the universe: Electro-magnetic, Gravity, the Strong and Weak Nuclear forces. These four determine all sub-atomic and atomic actions. What may appear random or coincidental to us is merely the mathematical expression of one of many millions of possible outcomes of chemical and biological interplay, all determined by the laws governing atomic and sub-atomic particles. Such outcomes may appear random but are confined to the limited possibilities determined by physical laws. Coincidence involving human interaction takes on an added dimension of supposed improbability not for any pragmatic reasoning involving the complexity and number of molecular interactions occurring within an individual, but simply because we love to afford mystical reasoning to things that are too difficult or broad in scope to comprehend.We are very alone in the universe; thinking about the chaotic nature of millions of complex interactions that occur on a second by second basis does little to make us feel secure. Many people prefer to resort to a spiritual julep: God.

I cannot know, therefore I believe.


Post 4


................um what he said


Post 5


How do the feelings fit into this neat equalization, man?It's allways the same excrement with the science, isn't it- people
fall in love because their brains pumps apropriate chemicals into their blood stream.And what if the appearance of those
chemicals is a side effect, a CONSEQUENCE of being in
love , rather than a CAUSE? I don't believe in God, but I sure as
hell don't believe in science , either. It's such a monumental
waste of time and resources,it makes your head spin.
Yes, there are coincidences (or synchronicities, if you prefer),
there are signs.Unfortunately for mysticism-freaks,they don't
mean nothing except telling the perciever that there might be
more to this miserable world than it meets the senses.


Post 6


How do the feelings fit into this neat equalization,djemaelfna?It's allways the same excrement with the science, isn't it- people
fall in love because their brains pumps apropriate chemicals into their blood stream.And what if the appearance of those
chemicals is a side effect, a CONSEQUENCE of being in
love , rather than a CAUSE? I don't believe in God, but I sure as
hell don't believe in science , either. It's such a monumental
waste of time and resources,it makes your head spin.
Yes, there are coincidences (or synchronicities, if you prefer),
there are signs.Unfortunately for mysticism-freaks,they don't
mean nothing except telling the perciever that there might be
more to this miserable world than it meets the senses.


Post 7

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

You know, i'm tending to like Zigfrood's posts, old though they may be. I agree with him; I'm an atheist, and I believe science, but I also agree with "Doc" in that we don't know everything about science. Once we do, if we ever do know EVERYTHING, then we'll be able to explain everything. There is no chaos theory; events and "coincedences" only happen because things led up to it. We don't know what sometimes but there is a logic to it.

.... 'Tis my belief.

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