A Conversation for List Of LDers Also On H2G2:
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manda1111 Started conversation Nov 10, 2003
If you change your nick name it will Automatically change on the LDers list, but it will not change its postion on the list (it will still be under the Original letter)
If you want us to change the position on your name on the list let us know here, giving us your original and your new name and it will be done as soon as possible
VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!! Posted Dec 29, 2003
My old name was Mike the vampire but this is what it is now: VampireMike (different name entirely) but I used to be Spike67 on LD
manda1111 Posted Dec 29, 2003
OK VampireMike
If you go HERE >> A814303 you will see you are at Number 176 ( but that will change when other names are added )
VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!! Posted Jan 2, 2004
Ok thanks....and there's some ppl on here I'm getting pretty fed up of...I deleted that topic to TopHat KittyCat coz I were sent another not so nice message so I exploded and sent one back coz someone she talks to said she shouldn't apologise for what she said to me (Idiot)
mysterious unique Posted Jan 5, 2004
can you please add my name to the lders list?
the name i was using before was UniQue
yorkshirebabe Posted Jan 5, 2004
hiya can u add me please was .dee but cant get on that page since the change so am on yorkshirebabe now thanks
manda1111 Posted Jan 5, 2004
No problem
If you go HERE >> A814303
You will find mysteriousunique at Number 113
and yorkshirebabe at 184
and welcome to you both
castawayman Posted Jan 26, 2004
hi there can you please put my new name on the list my old name were me.is .. now its castawayman .
manda1111 Posted Jan 26, 2004
Hi castawayman
If you go HERE >> A814303 you will see your name at No 24
but that number will change when other people are added above you
fancycallie Posted Jun 15, 2004
Hi Manda, I'v reacently subscribed under a new username
I was Rainmaiden, an xLDer, I have a pc now and I would like to back on the list... if you could enter me as " fancycallie aka rainmaiden" I would you forever!!
ex LD
goldfinch Posted Oct 21, 2004
hello .....YES alongtime ago......also where are all ex LD users cant seem to find them ??? all changed names ??? its not like the old days...
yes we had thoes
ex LD
manda1111 Posted Oct 21, 2004
Teliwest pulled the plug on the digibox users getting here, so most of them can no longer get on here, thats why you can't find them
I will put your name on there as soon as pos
(and I know about "old days" )
ex LD
Loup Dargent Posted Jan 13, 2005
No problem... I have a few more things to sort out in Real Life and then will update the list as soon as possible...
I've got some time off next week so I'll be around more...
Talk soon...
Post my name
_Flippin_Mental_ Posted Nov 4, 2006
Helloooooooo ppl.... please can u post my name on the list am new 2 this but was an LD user (many moons ago)n wud lyk 2 speak 2 sum oldie LD users! TVM!
ROBIN_THE_RUNNING_GOOSE™ Posted Dec 23, 2006
Running_Goose please add my name.
Does anyone know what happeneed to the wanderer Daz or Gill Polo and everyone else that knows the old gang.
its been a while.
Andrea do you still visit here.
Waiting waiting waiting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still waiting
dont be shy
Key: Complain about this post
- 1
- 2
- 1: manda1111 (Nov 10, 2003)
- 2: VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!! (Dec 29, 2003)
- 3: manda1111 (Dec 29, 2003)
- 4: VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!! (Jan 2, 2004)
- 5: mysterious unique (Jan 5, 2004)
- 6: yorkshirebabe (Jan 5, 2004)
- 7: manda1111 (Jan 5, 2004)
- 8: castawayman (Jan 26, 2004)
- 9: manda1111 (Jan 26, 2004)
- 10: castawayman (Jan 26, 2004)
- 11: fancycallie (Jun 15, 2004)
- 12: goldfinch (Oct 21, 2004)
- 13: manda1111 (Oct 21, 2004)
- 14: goldfinch (Oct 21, 2004)
- 15: manda1111 (Oct 21, 2004)
- 16: oOoflossoOo (Jan 5, 2005)
- 17: Loup Dargent (Jan 13, 2005)
- 18: _Flippin_Mental_ (Nov 4, 2006)
- 19: kow (Nov 4, 2006)
- 20: ROBIN_THE_RUNNING_GOOSE™ (Dec 23, 2006)
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