Talking Point: Special Occasions away from Home

21 Conversations

A birthday away from home

At some point most of us will find ourselves away from home and the people we love, through choice or serendipity. This can be hard at the best of times, but when it is a special occasion - christmas or a birthday, it can be even more difficult. If you are used to a cold Christmas, being on a hot beach can be fantastic. It can also feel more then a little weird. A birthday spent in Ulan Bator might be memorable, but with no one to give you a hug, a pressie or a card it can be more then a little lonely.

This week, we want to hear from Researchers who have experienced being away from their nearest and dearest.

  • Have you ever had to be away from home on a special day?

  • If so, how did you feel?

  • Was it great to be away from the folks or did you miss them?

  • Was it easier to be on your own or did you go out to celebrate with other people?

  • What advice would you give for other people who might have to spend a special day in a foreign land?

  • Are there any top tips for making the best of the situation?


Graphic supplied by Community Artist Peet

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