A Conversation for The Terranic Army

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 21


Clive - did you just capture your own flag that Jodan put in the ground, cause we don't have a flag, mainly because they are too expensive to make. i mean, you Thingites make rates so much higher by causing shops to change the days on their calendar. if it wasn't for you, WE'D HAVE A FLAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 22


*switches on mine field*

run carefully now. they are motion detector mines.

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 23

AK - fancy that!

*appears with swords* *launches fiery smiley - spork at spook at 5000 mph*

Your 'indestructible' buildings are no match for my... portable black hole!!!! (the only one in existence) *tosses it at building and ducks*

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 24


we blow up buildings quie regularlysmiley - tongueout never said they were indestructiblesmiley - huh

*the 5000mph spork creates motion waves in the air as it passes over the mine field...so never makes it across.*

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 25

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.


Thingite Counterattack!

Post 26


'ey Clive!

*starts digging*

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 27

Shea the Sarcastic

::comes in, carrying a specially designed Terranic Army flag, and tosses it to Clive::

smiley - nahnah Now we've captured it!

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 28


Ha-ha! Shea is here!

Now you can't stop us!

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 29

AK - fancy that!

the black hole will soon destroy the entire island and its heading toward your main uilding or at least the biggest one.

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 30


*swings axe and chops of Wonko's head, then puts Wonko's head on a metal pike, and sticks the pike into the ground, and sets the head on fire.*

smiley - cool, heat!smiley - smiley

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 31

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

smiley - ok

*signals the air-raid to begin*

I love the smell of napalm in the morning! smiley - biggrin

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 32


yet again, they capture something they made. clever bunch these thingitessmiley - bigeyes

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 33

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

a-ha, our life-size Wonko manaquin did prove useful after all...

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 34


*anti aircraft guns with laser tracking and heat seeking missiles pop up out of the ground and destroy the incoming airraid before any bombs could be deployed*

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 35


Wonko's underground, you can't reach him...

Why is Wonko talking about himself in 3rd person...?

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 36


*vacates the area, giving room for the napalm to breath*

smiley - cool heat!

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 37

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Who said we were dropping bombs?

*starts raining anvils over the Terranic Army HQ*

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 38


*sends white hole at black hole, and the two mathematically cancel each other out.*

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 39


*tunnels under the main base, sets a nuke, and tunnels back to come up behind creachy, guns blazing*

*guns blaze*

*so does flamethrower*

Thingite Counterattack!

Post 40


*hits the red button*

*nuke blows*


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