A Conversation for The Champagne Quiz Holiday Extravaganza - THE RESULTS

Pico de Teide

Post 21


are they alive?

Pico de Teide

Post 22


Click 'em and find out smiley - smiley

Pico de Teide

Post 23


smiley - biggrin

Pico de Teide

Post 24

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* wonders if they will be alive with the sound of music *

* thinks if she is thinking of lines like that she must really really need a holiday *

* avoids any comments about the earth moving during the holiday *

Well I'm all packed and its almose time to go

See you all really soon

smiley - hug

* waves *


Pico de Teide

Post 25

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

smiley - cool

...send us a postcard smiley - hug

alec.smiley - clown

Pico de Teide

Post 26

Lighthousegirl - back on board

We could

But you know snail mail ...

Pico de Teide

Post 27


Bon Voyage!

Pico de Teide

Post 28



Pico de Teide

Post 29


Ok folks, the computer is getting switched off in a few minutes time!

Keep up the good work sending all your answers in for the quiz. And we'll see you all again in two weeks time smiley - hug

Pico de Teide

Post 30


Have a good time smiley - smiley

Pico de Teide

Post 31

Lighthousegirl - back on board

We did it!

We went and visited Teide and it is totally amazing smiley - wow

Actually we went twice - the second time I drove (which was scary - NO not because of my driving but becasue of the twisty roads on steep hills, nothing either side in places and crash barriers crumbling away ...) and GD even went up in the cable car as high as you are allowed.

The scenary is amazing and hopefully we ill have some great photos ...

smiley - lighthouse
(and yes we saw a couple of those too smiley - winkeye )

Pico de Teide

Post 32


One of the nicest things about going up the mountain was that on what would have been a blistering hot sunny day, I was 10,000+ feet up a mountain, so it was nice and cool smiley - smiley

Its a pity that Light didn't go all of the way to the top. I did try to tell her that the cable car wasn't really that high up, it just runs at a steep angle that's all. Oh well never mind, I do hope the photos come out well so she can see something of the view.

Pico de Teide

Post 33

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

tanned desk?

smiley - laugh

smiley - pirate

Pico de Teide

Post 34

Lighthousegirl - back on board

He spent some time out in the sun and most certainly cannot be described as grey anymore smiley - erm Yep he has gone a lovely brown colour while I have merely gone from florescent white to a subtel shade of parchment ...

Pico de Teide

Post 35


Parchment is a very tasteful colour, Light.

Glad you had a good time.

Pico de Teide

Post 36

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Than you smiley - smiley

How are things with you? Will you be going to London to meet our captain - it would be fab to actually meet you ...

Pico de Teide

Post 37

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Spot the missing 'k'

It seems to have gone missing while we were away - cut and paste is great when you remember smiley - erm

Pico de Teide

Post 38


Glad you had a good time smiley - ok

Pico de Teide

Post 39


I'm not going to the meet this month, family commitments have got in the way. I am going to the January one smiley - smiley

Pico de Teide

Post 40


whereas I cant go to either: work smiley - sadface

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