A Conversation for Ringozingo

Alternative Writing Workshop: A807248 - Ringozingo

Post 1


Entry: Ringozingo - A807248
Author: RingoZingo - U200874

Here is a new term I'd been developing.
I submit this guide entry for consideration.Thank you.

A807248 - Ringozingo

Post 2

LL Waz

Hi again RingoZingo, did this term catch on? I haven't heard it but my circles don't move on the frontlines of vocabulary. Nice try anyway.

You can guess the next bit - for the same reasons I posted at F74130?thread=204258, I think this needs to be moved from the AWW back to the entry, or to the Flea Market.

Any other Miner opinions?
smiley - discosmiley - brr

A807248 - Ringozingo

Post 3


Back to the entry, as per previous explanation.


A807248 - Ringozingo

Post 4

a girl called Ben

I have just put all of these entries together into a single new entry. The entry is here: A986934 and the AWW thread is here: F74130?thread=254001.

I am therefore seconding Waz's suggestion that the AWW threads for each of these smaller entries is moved back to the individual entries, and that the combined entry is considered for inclusion (or exclusion) from the UG on its own merits.

smiley - brr

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Alternative Writing Workshop: A807248 - Ringozingo

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