A Conversation for Ringozingo

Peer Review: A807248 - Ringozingo

Post 1


Entry: Ringozingo - A807248
Author: RingoZingo - U200874

Thank you for your consideration of my guide entry:Ringozingo.
I hope the expression catches on.

A807248 - Ringozingo

Post 2

The Apprentice

Firstly, thanks for taking the time to write this entry for the Guide. I'd like to start on a positive note before drawing your attention to the mid-section of the Peer Review page.

The Guide is full of entries - some are Edited, some aren't. There isn't a correct state - entries by a Researcher can fall into either or both. Entries that are Edited fall into the Editorial Guidelines and are finished entries, factual and informative in content. Non-edited entries can be about anything - your favourite ice cream, your week at work, your dream about rubber gloves and Venusian sunflower seeds... whatever. As such these kinds of entries are not Peer Review material as they will never become Edited entries in the Guide without considerable work or refocus. Some unedited entries may also be works in progress that may one day become Edited entries once completed and polished to some degree - but Peer Reviewis not for everyone or every entry.

I feel that while there is a measure of enthusiasm in this entry 'Ringozingo' is a made up word with a very narrow audience of usage. The entry is therefore, I assume, not factual and not finished. If I was to write an entry on, say, the word 'sausage' I would expect to discuss it's use, it's context, the cultural and regional origins of the term and the development of the word over time, variations on the word, alternatives and dialect variations, etc.

So, as I said originally, it's good to see you writing and contributing. The entry shows enthusiasm to get going on writing more. However, the entry is probably best left as a general entry in the Guide and is not really suitable for further progress through Peer Review.

The Apprentice

A807248 - Ringozingo

Post 3

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Have to agree there, my friend. Peer Review isn't the place for 'made up' stuff like this and your other entry. Would you remove these and submit them to one of the other forums?

Many thanks,

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