A Conversation for The Temple of Existentialism


Post 1

Existential Elevator

I really feel the need to have a meaningful, controlled argument with someone... is there anyone out there up to the challenge... Anyone...?

smiley - smiley
smiley - zen


Post 2


who can ignore such a pitiful plea?
hmmmm, I can have a go, depends what you want to argue about.


Post 3

Existential Elevator

Yay! There's someone out there! And I was worried that this place had died...
Well, since we're both pacifist vegetarians, I can see violence and animal rights will be off the agenda...

Ermm.... God? Reality? Science? The value of television? Your choice...smiley - smiley


Post 4


well, we can save those for when we're tired of arguing and just need an affirming discussion...smiley - zen

Whatever you want to argue about, I'll try and maintain an opposite viewpoint...feminism? the Irish Question? Drop the Debt campaign? The fact that all you need to do GCSEs is about two brain cells and a great tolerance for ennui and yet they are held up as the single most important test of our ability to do anything that we shall ever do? (that one is more af a rant though). Up to you.smiley - smiley


Post 5

Existential Elevator

Ah, GCSEs annoying the hell out of you too?

I'm still not entirely sure of what I make of feminism. I'm more of an equal oppertunist.... What about you?


Post 6


Yes, thank-you, GCSEs are annoying the hell out of me. And some. I still have 23 more exams to go smiley - cross

I think we need a definition of feminism before we can argue about it, but the only dictionaries in my room are Latin (no word for it) and German (Feminismus - interestingly, a masculine word). I'll try and find an English defenition if you want, so we have something to base a a possible argument on.


Post 7

Existential Elevator

I've got next week off and then I've got 11 exams....I've already done 5. Jeez, how many GCSEs did you do? smiley - yikes

Funny how some things work out...

I looked up "feminism" in my dictionary and it ws, well, rather unhelpful..
Feminism [noun]: a movemnt or theory supporting women's rights on grounds of equality of the sexes.

Not really a lot to argue about there...smiley - smiley


Post 8


I'm doing 11, but German, French and Latin have 4 exams each. Greek and sciences each have three. Everything else is two, i think. So (4x3)+(3x4)+(4x2)=32

Are you doing GCSEs now two? Or AS/A levels?

I fear 'supporting women's rights on the grounds of eqaulity of the sexes' is pretty uncontroversial. Some claim that the feminist *movement* is out of date and out of hand, however; others argue that in the drive to make women equal to men we have failed to recognise fundamental differences between men and women's brains, bone structure etc. I dunno, just a thought. smiley - erm


Post 9

Existential Elevator

I'm doing 10...but I did one last year smiley - smiley I know, the language exams seem to have about 60 billion parts to them.. Our science is two but our english is three. We did the coursework in language rather than the written exam. So, not as bad in all smiley - smiley Poor you...

Great...we chose something uncontroversial... Errm... And considering [assuming] we're both women I don't think either of us are likely to want to argue about giving women worse job opportunities... smiley - winkeye Bad start, maybe?
How about something more obvious, like, say, abortion?


Post 10



I rarely argue with anyone, they're entitled to their viewpoint, and my own views change, but I wouldn't mind an attempt at a debate. smiley - biggrin

Naturally the enironment is my biggest field, but abortion seems a reasonable place to start.

My own (current) view is that abortion is wrong except in the cases where the child would endanger the life of the mother. I'm a little undecided in cases of when pregnancy occurs as a result of rape.


Post 11

Existential Elevator

My view on abortion is that it is wrong and it is sad, although I do not deny others the right to chose this option. The foetus is a potential child, thus a potential human being, and does deserve a chance. I agree with abortions in cases where the child is genuinely not wanted [ie will be unloved or mistreated] or where the birth of the child could injure or kill the mother, but I do NOT think that abortion is justified if it is done because the potential baby does not meet the parent's standards [ie it will suffer with disabilities] UNLESS it can be conclusively proven that said disabilities will be so severe that the child has no hope of leading a remotely normal life. *deep breath* But, in saying this, I fully support the rights of scientists to "lay God" with stem cells, on the basis that we'll never know if we don't try to find out.
Well smiley - erm I guess that's basically my stance. Anyone want to add more or challenge me on that?


Post 12


Hmmm, I agree with you, not much of a debate here smiley - laugh

Though one of the brownies has cerebal palsey (spl?), she can't do anything much, she can't walk, and though she certainly doesn't have a normal life she can still have a good time. Though not many parents would be able to give the dedication that she and other children with severe disabilities need.

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