A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season 15 - "The Final Run In"
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FF15 - Week Eleven - Results
GreyDesk Posted Mar 19, 2006
I think that the story of this week is one of faith. Faith that the impossible can happen if you believe enough. So stand up Owlatron, you're the only person to get any points out of the Sheffield Wednesday match
We've got a couple of scoring full houses, which is a thing that I always like. And as I've got one of them, I like them even more
At the top of the table, it's closer than ever. Ormy is now top in his own right, but only by a point; and Orcus and riotact are breathing down his neck. This will go to the wire, I'm sure.
Anyway to the winner. Well done Bottletop, you've hit ten points (including a full house) and are the only one to get into double figures this week with a sweet 10 points
The Results:
Sheffield Wednesday 2-0 Preston (BURTON, O'Brien)
Coventry 1-1 Leeds (McSHEFFREY, Healy)
Doncaster 1-2 Nottingham Forest (COMMONS, Holt, Coppinger)
Arsenal 3-0 Charlton (PIRES, Adebayor, Hleb)
Millwall 0-1 Leicester (HUGHES)
The Points:
Bottletop - 10 points (Coventry full house ; Arsenal result; Millwall result & score)
Demon Drawer - 8 points (Coventry result; Arsenal result, scorer & 1st scorer; Millwall result)
The Nitpicker - 8 points (Coventry result & score; Doncaster result & score; Arsenal result)
GreyDesk - 8 points (Coventry full house ; Arsenal result & score)
Orcus - 6 points (Coventry scorer & 1st scorer; Arsenal result; Millwall result)
Owlatron - 6 points (Sheffield Wednesday result, scorer & 1st scorer; Arsenal result)
Ormondroyd - 5 points (Coventry scorer & 1st scorer; Arsenal result & score)
Master B - 5 points (Coventry result & score; Doncaster result)
riotact - 4 points (Arsenal result; Millwall result)
McKay The Disorganised - 4 points (Coventry scorer & 1st scorer; Arsenal result)
summerbayexile - 3 points (Arsenal result & score)
FF15 - Week Eleven - Results
Mu Beta Posted Mar 19, 2006
Obviously there wasn't a connection and we were all being played for fools.
FF15 - Week Eleven - Results
GreyDesk Posted Mar 19, 2006
The connection? Sheffield Wednesday, Leeds, Nottingham Forest, Arsenal and Millwall (but Leicester are also in there) are the teams most disliked by Sheffield United fans.
FF15 - Week Eleven - Results
GreyDesk Posted Mar 19, 2006
No that's not the case at all. The Millwall one is actually quite difficult for me as it's one of the family teams. I occasionally go to Millwall home games.
FF15 - Week Eleven - Results
GreyDesk Posted Mar 19, 2006
Also if it was my list of hated teams, Portsmouth and MK Dons would feature highly in it.
FF15 - Week Eleven - Results
owlatronas Posted Mar 20, 2006
well being a wednesday fan i had faith lol
FF15 - Week Eleven - Results
Ormondroyd Posted Mar 21, 2006
I had an appointment with a new dentist today. We got chatting about just before he got to work on my
, and he told me that he was a Sheffield Wednesday fan. I wondered whether GreyDesk would have leapt out of the chair and
at that news!
Anyway, he performed a very painless extraction, and warned me not to jump around too much if Bradford score a lot of goals against Blackpool tonight. Not too much danger of that, I fear...
FF15 - Week Eleven - Results
GreyDesk Posted Mar 24, 2006
He's a dentist; therefore I wouldn't be in the same room as him.
If however I had no choice because the pain in the tooth had become too intolerable to bear; and I knew that he was a Wednesday fan; then I wouldn't feel too guilty about smacking him one for coming near me with one of those wizzy-drilly things.
Key: Complain about this post
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FF15 - Week Eleven - Results
- 21: GreyDesk (Mar 19, 2006)
- 22: Orcus (Mar 19, 2006)
- 23: creachy (Mar 19, 2006)
- 24: Mu Beta (Mar 19, 2006)
- 25: GreyDesk (Mar 19, 2006)
- 26: Mu Beta (Mar 19, 2006)
- 27: GreyDesk (Mar 19, 2006)
- 28: GreyDesk (Mar 19, 2006)
- 29: riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes (Mar 20, 2006)
- 30: owlatronas (Mar 20, 2006)
- 31: Orcus (Mar 20, 2006)
- 32: Ormondroyd (Mar 21, 2006)
- 33: GreyDesk (Mar 24, 2006)
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