A Conversation for The H2G2 Great Outdoors Resort

The Caves

Post 1

Hapi - Hippo #5

Not far from the Great Outdoor Bar, in the forest, on the left bank of a small river, is a cliff. In the cliff, a few meters above the water level, is a hidden entrance to a cave...a cave older than history itself... a cave deeper than imagination..

Rumour is that the cave was discovered by Hati.. or by Hapi.. or both.. Since the location is not that far from the bar this is possible. Since both Hati and Hapi appear to spend most of their time in the bar, and not outside, the rumour may also be false... who knows, who cares..

In the cave, darkness.. only with torches (from the outdoor supply store) is it possible to see the walls of the cave.. there.. on the walls, hidden from daylight, hidden from all researchers, are wondrous works of prehistoric art...

When looking closely at the walls a message appears, carved in universal pictogram language:

smiley - cheerssmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - oksmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - puffsmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - drunksmiley - sillysmiley - hangoversmiley - illsmiley - headhurtssmiley - erm

Could it be that Hapi's ancestors dwelled here? What other ancient wisdom is hidden in this cave?

The Caves

Post 2


*smiley - run rushes in*

smiley - puff
Er... It's a bit dark here...
Maybe a smiley - ghost is hiding here. I should come back with some company.

smiley - run

The Caves

Post 3

Santragenius V

*careful use of tools can be heard at the entrance*

So there - the last of the signs leading here from the square ( F95740?thread=200565 )...

Back to serve bubbly!

The Caves

Post 4

Hapi - Hippo #5

* Footsteps.. something huge coming along the path .. is it a bear? neanderthaler? *

* Oh.. no.. it's Hapi.. well .. none of the first guesses was really wrong *

smiley - biggrin

The Caves

Post 5

Santragenius V

smiley - smiley Now you don't have to remember where the cave is anymore... when you've had too much - errrr - smiley - coffee over at TGOB smiley - winkeye

The Caves

Post 6

Hapi - Hippo #5

*loaded with an overdose smiley - coffee staggers Hapi into the cave*

smiley - musicalnoteHaaaaaavvve another one smiley - musicalnote

The Caves

Post 7

Santragenius V

smiley - laugh - smiley - laugh - smiley - laugh -

Oh, there's an echo smiley - smiley

The Caves

Post 8

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin or a smiley - ghost from one of the original inhabitants who did not make it to the 21st century : lack of smiley - coffee
( smiley - biggrin )

The Caves

Post 9

Santragenius V

But with lack of smiley - coffee - smiley - yikes - why would anybody smiley - laugh...???smiley - winkeye???

The Caves

Post 10

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - laugh poor soul must have gone mad .. smiley - silly

The Caves

Post 11

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*smiley - pirate stumbles in and finds a secret cave way back at the end of the known cave. walks in, lights a huge fire, covers the floor with numerous polar bear skins and cracks open af bottle of smiley - bubbly, then waits for the lost woman*

smiley - pirate

The Caves

Post 12


fervently following the pirate's trail, following the faint scent of the woodfire, i spy the entrance to the cave. Instead of dank and scary, it's romantic and warm. Entering, i find a smiley - piratesmiley - bubbly and the soft skins of polar bears....smiley - smiley

The Caves

Post 13

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

hi there smiley - smooch

i wonder how much privacy we can find here, as opposed to in the bar?

do you think it would matter much if we hung a 'do not disturb'-sign at the entrance to this cave? smiley - biggrin

think about it and make yourself comfortable while i go hunt something to eat

smiley - pirate

The Caves

Post 14

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*returns with a boar, a keg of smiley - ale and a leaf of lettuce (for the lady) - only to find the cave deserted*

*rekindles the fire, roasts the boar, eats, drinks, covers himself with polar bear skins and smiley - zzz*

smiley - pirate

The Caves

Post 15


sees the smiley - pirate sleeping..snuggles up under the polar bear skin...

The Caves

Post 16

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*wakes up and bursts into song*

smiley - musicalnote i've got you, under my skin smiley - cool

smiley - pirate

The Caves

Post 17


I can't bear to spend a minute apart.

The Caves

Post 18

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

either way you'll just have to grin and bear it smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

The Caves

Post 19


oh my.... i dont know how much more i can take. Tosses a small stick on the fire, then snuggles back under the bear skin. It's a lovely place you've got here.

The Caves

Post 20

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

thanks, i kinda like it. warm and dry. nice company smiley - bigeyes

what more could anyone ask for?

er, you're not married, are you? smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

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