A Conversation for The H2G2 Great Outdoors Resort

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 161

Santragenius V

*checks that the smiley - spider's doing ok - and that no smiley - tits are visible in the room smiley - winkeye*

Some music for you? Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, maybe?

*looks for a proper nightcap - chooses a Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish... smiley - smiley Pours and sips*

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 162


smiley - spidermusic is fine for me. smiley - smiley

And I'd like to drink some Martini, maybe even a little more. White Martini, that is.

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 163

Santragenius V

*pours Martini Bianco and a little more smiley - winkeye*

Here you are - skål smiley - cheers

smiley - run to smiley - zzz

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 164



*sips Martini*


*sips again*

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 165

Hapi - Hippo #5

Hello all.. anything new? anything exciting?

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 166


New? The days are getting longer again, that's the best news. smiley - winkeye
And the sun is shining.
Other than that I spend all my time procrastinating...

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 167

Hapi - Hippo #5

True, True.. days are getting longer, temperature is falling.. minus 10 falling to minus 20 later this week.. COLD.. COLD!!
I just decided I'll start procrastinating tomorrow. (is that possible? I'll think about that later)

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 168


I do hope we'll have only -15C this time.

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 169

Hapi - Hippo #5

-15C .. smiley - brr ..
worst is the nose and upperlip. after about 15 mins it hurts to breath.
I'm just not used to these temperatures; I'll probably try to hibernate (as in "bear").

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 170


Right now the weather is brilliant: -6C, bright and sunny, light wind. Just like a postcard. I was outdoors shoveling and my house looked really nice - something big and green, sitting in the snow, smoke curling out of all 4 chimneys... smiley - smiley

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 171

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Reminds me of the time onkel Bob set fire to our house on christmas eve.

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 172

Santragenius V

smiley - laugh Oh dear...

Weather here's OK - a little below zero. But they threaten with an awful amount of wind - which will make being outdoors tomorrow a smiley - brr experience indeed...

Warm smiley - redwine glögg is called for - have as much as you will, it's on the house...

*shouts after hastingly leaving customer: no, not literally, there's nothing but frost on the roof smiley - silly*

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 173


We had that wind couple days ago - verrry entertaining. I was ready to go out to hold the roof in it's place. smiley - winkeye

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 174

Hapi - Hippo #5

I'll just pretend I didn't hear about wind, storm, hurricane, cold, snow, frost and I'll settle for the glögg. As far as I'm concerned that is the only good thing about winter.

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 175


Erm, come to think atm I could easily give away all the glögg, if the winter would go with it. smiley - erm

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 176

Hapi - Hippo #5

Good plan: let's find out who is in charge of winter and then see if we can bribe him/her with glögg.

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 177


Maybe somebody is willing to confess their part in it? smiley - huh

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 178

Hapi - Hippo #5

Well, yes, it seems logic: here we are, tens of thousands researchers around us, probably all knowledge of most civilisations combined in a group .. someone must know who really is responsible for winter?

(or would it really be just "lack of summer"?)

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 179


smiley - laugh

Er, khm-khm... smiley - erm


The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 180

Hapi - Hippo #5

We could just blame Skadi, the winter godess.

Or for the south Europeans among us Boreas?

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