A Conversation for The H2G2 Great Outdoors Resort

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32181


Just because you haven't played against China.

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32182

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i'm not sure, but since we have played in the A-league i think we must have at some point

smiley - pirate

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32183


Oh, there are leagues and all! smiley - wow

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32184

Pirate Alexander LeGray

ice hockey, in spring. or smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - online2long

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32185

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - bigeyes what .. who is playing in what league? you're not seriously discussing sports, are you? or .. "sports" ??

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32186


smiley - sorry I started. Ice hockey. smiley - silly

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32187

Santragenius V

*puts the ice in a glass and makes smiley - stiffdrink*

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32188


Yeah, that's way better use of it. smiley - zen

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32189


Be consoled, Babette. I'm sure those EEKish ice hockey hunks do 'sports' as well.smiley - winkeye

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32190

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - smiley ah .. ice hockey .. now I can imagine you are fascinated by that .. these guys are enormous smiley - whistle .. I wondered what is left of them once you peel them

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32191


Leave the helmets on, their nose and teeth design usually isn't the best.

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32192

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - rofl yes, well smiley - smiley I am sure they can leave their helmets on smiley - smiley that is .. do they .. on the average .. have any tongue technique?

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32193


I've never heard of any of them even talking, so maybe they don't have any tongue either. I mean, after all hockey is not a sissy game.

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32194

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - rofl .. where is the nearest team? ... can I maybe call a team in?

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32195


Maybe not, ah? They may just trash the place and snatch the ice from smiley - stiffdrink.

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32196


here in the americas, we play hockey until june. ANd we just call it hockey, cuz if there is no ice, there is no hockey. lol

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32197


We call it hockey as well, mostly because field hockey isn't any popular here. However, it has been invented: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_hockey

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32198

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

yep, they even play field hockey indoors smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32199



The Great Outdoor Bar

Post 32200

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

yes smiley - biggrin

do they play bandy in north america?

smiley - pirate

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