A Conversation for The Summerhouse of Hati

The Library

Post 81

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - ta Hati smiley - hug How has your day gone?

The Library

Post 82


smiley - laugh
Good idea anyway. I wish I could write my articles when I am smiley - zzz.

The Library

Post 83


My day was quite busy, w*rkwise mostly. It has been snowing here heavily today. I miss winter.

The Library

Post 84

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin you miss winter?? .. smiley - ok sounds reasonable smiley - biggrin

The Library

Post 85


smiley - yikes
I must be smiley - ill or smiley - silly.

I miss SPRING!

We still have way too much winter here, expecting -15C this week. smiley - brr

The Library

Post 86

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Ah, I miss winter too, more specifically winter spent in Jamaica or Hawaii...or even our winter, which is summer in Australia, New Zealand or somewhere like Brazil! smiley - cool

The Library

Post 87


smiley - laughsmiley - ok

The Library

Post 88

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin I never met miss Winter.. I imagine she's dressed in a fur coat??

The Library

Post 89


smiley - laugh

smiley - coffee
I am so sleepy. It's snowing out there and it doesn't feel nice.

The Library

Post 90

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin I was out for a few days and the w*rk is now waiting in lines.. just to look at it makes me smiley - bigeyes and smiley - erm.

I stopped being sleepy as I started reading e-mails smiley - laugh

The Library

Post 91


The snowing here is turning into blizzard. And I have to go out there. smiley - wahsmiley - winkeye

The Library

Post 92

Hapi - Hippo #5

Blizzard?? smiley - erm that's really smiley - erm

The Library

Post 93


Indeed. The snow has to melt! It's March, for Bob's sake!

The Library

Post 94

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin I'll go and see Bob about it.. It's about time smiley - cross

smiley - biggrin

The Library

Post 95


That didn't help at all. The blizzard got stronger and for today morning we were buried in the snow, melting snow. smiley - yuk

smiley - coffee

*ducks into w*rk*

The Library

Post 96

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin buried alive in the melting snow .. smiley - erm

* goes and feeds the ducks *

smiley - biggrin

The Library

Post 97


And who will feed me? smiley - huh

The Library

Post 98

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - erm .. smiley - hotdog ??
smiley - biggrin

The Library

Post 99


How kind of you! smiley - ta

I spent 2 days writing about flower delivery services. Amazing prices - it takes 1/3 of my montly income to send a smiley - rose to UK. smiley - erm Then again, sending it to myself is 10+ times cheaper. I guess I'll try it once when I feel really misreable. smiley - silly

The Library

Post 100

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - bigeyes .. send a smiley - rose to UK ..?? never thought of doing that smiley - biggrin

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