A Conversation for The Summerhouse of Hati

The Kitchen

Post 1881


Could be very relaxing. smiley - winkeye

The Kitchen

Post 1882

Hapi - Hippo #5

(*searching for a hammer*) I'm not sure if I should do this.. I mean.. there's a lot of people around .. now usually I don't care about thay but hammering a container .. wouldn't it seem a bit ... strange?

The Kitchen

Post 1883


Do they react on that other guy?

The Kitchen

Post 1884

Hapi - Hippo #5

No.. I think not.. but he's in an overall and heavy boots... I'm not sure what the reaction would be if he'd be wearing a three piece suit?

The Kitchen

Post 1885


*hears the sound of ambulance in her head*

Perhaps you should change your clothes beforehand. Considering that it's you in 3-piece-suit. smiley - winkeye

The Kitchen

Post 1886

Hapi - Hippo #5

OK you conviced me.. but I'll wait till the secretary is gone.. I don't want my picture in the company magazine again smiley - biggrin

The Kitchen

Post 1887


Oh, don't you like to be popular? smiley - whistle

The Kitchen

Post 1888

Hapi - Hippo #5

Oh, I do like that.. but I prefer not to be known as "the guy hammering containers" smiley - biggrin

The Kitchen

Post 1889


Umm, what would you like to be known about? smiley - huh

The Kitchen

Post 1890

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

a steel-band-musician from jamaica?

smiley - pirate

The Kitchen

Post 1891


smiley - laugh
That would be cool! smiley - cool

The Kitchen

Post 1892

Hapi - Hippo #5

Would you really? Do you qualify?

(*still trying to come up with an answer.. fails smiley - wah*)

So how would you like to appear in history books?

The Kitchen

Post 1893


Oh, that's settled already - I am going to win the Nobel award for my biography and Oscar for the script of a movie by the same book. Then I am going to sell my private letters and become the richest person on smiley - earth. smiley - biggrin

The Kitchen

Post 1894

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

hey, i've got the copyrights for at least some of your private letters! smiley - cross

smiley - pirate

The Kitchen

Post 1895


That means that you are going to be incredibly rich too. smiley - winkeye

The Kitchen

Post 1896

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - runback ... so you'll all be rich and famous.. that's good..

The Kitchen

Post 1897

Hapi - Hippo #5

(oh, by the way.. I couldn't find a hammer yet.. I keep in searching)smiley - biggrin

The Kitchen

Post 1898


Do you need any help? smiley - bigeyes

The Kitchen

Post 1899

Hapi - Hippo #5

Help smiley - erm yes please.. I now had to move to an internet cafe.. combination of smiley - coffee, smiley - ale, .. gradually all connections & computers around me are breaking up.. smiley - erm

The Kitchen

Post 1900


All I can offer atm is smiley - hug.
Does it help?

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