A Conversation for The Summerhouse of Hati

The Kitchen

Post 101

Researcher 168814

Well, off to bed now, too...

*goes to Veranda*

The Kitchen

Post 102

Tube - the being being back for the time being

The Kitchen

Post 103


*sleepwalks in kitchen, brews coffee, lights a cigarette*

===smiley - star~~~

The Kitchen

Post 104


*goes to brush her teeth and take a look around*

The Kitchen

Post 105

Researcher 168814

*enteres with wet hair...*

*sees smiley - coffee, takes a mug and goes into the library, having heard talking there*

The Kitchen

Post 106

Santragenius V

*comes in, scratching his head*

Mmmm, sure slept well! Oh - smiley - coffeesmiley - smiley

*grabs a mug, gets a splash of milk from the fridge, sips*

Mmmm - I think I migt eventually wake up...

The Kitchen

Post 107

Santragenius V

"Migt" smiley - huh - need more smiley - coffee!

*decides to check out the bathroom*

The Kitchen

Post 108

Santragenius V


See what I found... smiley - smiley

*holds up gin*

Only had to fight a staircase to get it smiley - winkeye

Any tonic around? - fancy a smiley - stiffdrink on the Veranda - such a lovely evening...

*drops the bit about the alarm clock - it has stopped anyway smiley - winkeye*

The Kitchen

Post 109

Santragenius V

*decides to be impatient - veery difficult smiley - winkeye*

*mixes several G&Ts: smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink


*off to shower & walk the dog*

The Kitchen

Post 110


Ooo smiley - bigeyes G&T's! Don't mind if I do...
*swipes a smiley - stiffdrink and proceeds to the sink.*
Now, little fishie...

The Kitchen

Post 111

Santragenius V

Have a few more, then it becomes "Now, llittche fiscchschiee.." smiley - winkeye

The Kitchen

Post 112


*Ceans and filléts the fish, head and bones goes in a pot, the filléts in the fridge. In the pot goes an onion, a couple of carrots, bayleaf, cellery, black peppercorn, salt, water. Set to simmer.*

Now I think I'll have a shower! smiley - smiley

*drains her smiley - stiffdrink and takes another with her.*

The Kitchen

Post 113


*winks at Santra on her way out*
smiley - winkeye

The Kitchen

Post 114


*returns to get another G&T, heads for bathroom*
smiley - stiffdrink yeah! smiley - biggrin

The Kitchen

Post 115

Santragenius V

Grabs a smiley - stiffdrink to keep Bumble in good company...

smiley - winkeye *winks back*

smiley - cheers

The Kitchen

Post 116

Researcher 168814

*enters... gets out broom, bucket and mop from a lader at the back... starts sweeping and cleaning... has a look at the fish... continues out to the hall*

The Kitchen

Post 117

Researcher 168814

*enters... makes smiley - coffee Rumages about for a new packet of ===smiley - star... leaves again*

The Kitchen

Post 118

Researcher 168814

*enteres yet again*

So.. where´s the things?

*gets 500g flour, 250ml water, yeast, salt...

makes a well in the flour, puts in half of the water, crumbs up the yeast into the water... covers this with flour, puts a cloth over it and lets it stand in a warm corner of the kitchen*

*gets out two glasses, Tindella and lemon, and goes back to the veranda*

The Kitchen

Post 119

Researcher 168814

*returns from veranda*

*puts oven to 200°C*

*puts in the rest of the water, kneeds the whole stuff and sets back into the warm place for the dough to rise...*

*prepares the tomatos, grates cheese, cuts paprika, chicken, etc...

smiley - magic

*dough is good for being rolled out...*

*put the toppings on and puts it into the oven*

*leaves for the veranda*

The Kitchen

Post 120

Researcher 168814

*has a look into the oven*

*gets out a tray, takes a Lambrusco, some whitewine, glasses, plates, cutlery etc*

*smiley - run veranda*

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