A Conversation for The Summerhouse of Hati

The Kitchen

Post 21


Yepp, better go and get that room before someone else snags it! smiley - biggrin
*Drains her cup and goes to get her stuff..*

The Kitchen

Post 22


Smart... smiley - winkeye

I'll be in my bedroom if you need anything...
Oh, and later I have to pick the gooseberries.

*leaves her mug on the table*

The Kitchen

Post 23


*enters, puts a yellow bucket on the table and opens the fridge*

There must be something to eat here... smiley - erm

*finds a piece of cheese*

Well, that's okay. smiley - smiley

The Kitchen

Post 24


*brews smiley - teasmiley - tea*
*wonders where is E*

The Kitchen

Post 25

Researcher 168814

*rushes in*

Hati! Good morning...smiley - smooch

smiley - hug

Am I too late for a morning smiley - coffee?

*Looks at the *****berries*

Ah... I see you´ve picked them... but we needn´t bring them somewhere else do we, and talk german? smiley - winkeye

The Kitchen

Post 26


Erm, I was kinda hoping that you'll make some jam of those. smiley - winkeye

And yes, you are far too late for the morning smiley - coffee. I am making an evening smiley - tea atm. smiley - smiley

smiley - smooch

Want a smiley - tea?

The Kitchen

Post 27

Researcher 168814

Oh, yes a smiley - tea would be fine... with milk and sugar of course...

*****jamsmiley - yikes???

Oh, well I´ll make some of course... I´ll feed the fridge with it smiley - winkeye

The Kitchen

Post 28


I could bake a smiley - cake with it someday...

*hands E smiley - tea*

The Kitchen

Post 29

Researcher 168814

I bet there is a cherry tree somewhere in the garden... I could need some for a black forrest gateaux for tomorrow...

Lovely smiley - tea, dear...





===smiley - star~~~

The Kitchen

Post 30


smiley - biggrin

===smiley - star~~

The Kitchen

Post 31

Researcher 168814

==smiley - star~~~



The Kitchen

Post 32


==smiley - star~~

*goes outdoors*

The Kitchen

Post 33

Researcher 168814

=smiley - star~~~

*suddenly remembers a glas of cherries in one of the shelves. Checks fridge for cream, cupboards for sugar, flower, cocoa, Kirschwasser, choclate flakes, eggs. Finds all he needs and sets to work on a black forrest gateaux*

smiley - smiley

*Pops his head out of the kitchenwindow, looking out into the backyard*

The Kitchen

Post 34


*enters with some flowers she found in the garden - snapdragons in different colours*

Happy birthday, E! smiley - smooch
Here! smiley - gift

What are you doing here on your b-day morning?! smiley - bigeyes
I wanted to bring the smiley - coffee to the bedroom butI kinda forgot myself in the backyard...
Oh, and there's some weird girl Nyssabird in the shed, she wants sugared ice tea.

The Kitchen

Post 35

Researcher 168814

Thank you! Ever so nice flowers...

Iced tea? Well, yes there is some in the fridge...

I didn´t leave the kitchen yesterday... smiley - weird isn´t it... You loose the feeling for space and time in this place...

I will just go out onto the veranda. I think I will just relax this morning...

*goes out...*

The Kitchen

Post 36


I'll follow you, I just take some tea to this poor girl...

*finds ice tea, pours it into the glass and goes out*

The Kitchen

Post 37

Researcher 168814

*opens the freezer - gets out icecream, fruit (no gooseberries), some cherryliquer, whiped cream... does some smiley - magic and takes out two large icecreamcups*

The Kitchen

Post 38


*peeks into kitchen*
Hello? Anyone here?

*puts smiley - gift on table with birthday card for E and and another smiley - gift with a smiley - rose for Hati, too*

Hmm...maybe I'll have some smiley - tea before I go on! smiley - winkeye

The Kitchen

Post 39


*rushes into the kitchen, wrapped into the towel*

Gee! We have a visitor! smiley - biggrin

Ox! smiley - smiley

The Kitchen

Post 40

Researcher 168814

*enters too...*

oh, hallo Ox! You´ve found the tea?

*goes to the fridge to get out Black forrest gateaux*

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