A Conversation for The Summerhouse of Hati
The Veranda
Bumblebee Posted Aug 5, 2002
Hi AR1
Isn't this a nice summerhouse? I got here by bus, so I had to walk all the way from the main road. It was quite a pleasant walk though, not too warm. I saw some deer on my way, and a hedgehog, but no crocodiles...
The Veranda
Hati Posted Aug 5, 2002
Hey, AR1!
I am so glad you found your way here. Those things are ever so handy sometimes.
There is no crocodiles nor snakes seen here, at least so far... Hedgehogs, yes, sometimes we leave them some milk but no dangerous and evil creatures.
If you decide to spend some time here, you can pick any available bedroom upstairs. Or would you like to stay downstairs?
*looks around to find some *
Does anybody else want some coffee?
The Veranda
Bumblebee Posted Aug 5, 2002
A bit sticky, I'm afraid... The Gooseberry liqueur is in the jar, and the rest of the berries is ready to become jam.. Do you have a freezer?
The Veranda
Also ran 1 Posted Aug 5, 2002
Hi Titania,
Lovely to meet you again. We can make the mayo together in the kitchen whilst we are here with Hati and Englander. It is going to be a lovely break. AR1
The Veranda
Also ran 1 Posted Aug 5, 2002
Dear Bumblebee,
I have just been to your lovely home page and learnt lots and lots of things!!. Thank you. I am so glad that there are no crocodils, although I believe that I have a friend called Krokodilka on h2g2!. I think tht it is a lovely summer house and we are going to have great fun. I am looking forward to the break. With lots of BBQ with your salmon and prawns.Oooooooo. Lovely food. With a big wave AR1
The Veranda
Also ran 1 Posted Aug 5, 2002
Hello Haiti,
Thank you so much for giving me such excellent directions. It sounds a super place for our holiday and I am sure that we are going to have great fun. I am very thrilled that there are no snakes or crocs. I have not seen a hedgehog but I am sure they are super.
Would you mind if I had a bedroom downstairs.? It gets a bit of a bind when I have to get the magic carpet out to take my wheelchair up the stairs!!.
I have always wanted to visit your country so am thrilled to have had an invitation. I loved all your descriptions and now I shall be able to experience them myself.
It is very kind of you to have me and I appreciate it very much. Perhaps I shall be able to cook some French food for you - and I can also cook South African food as well. We have wonderful fish in South Africa.
I am really excited about the holiday.
With affection, AR1
The Veranda
Hati Posted Aug 5, 2002
I am so glad you like it here. Hedgehogs are quite shy but sometime after sunset they start to lurk around. A quiet sound like pop-pop-pop-pop-pop is heard. And they like milk and cheese.
I hope that Crocodilka will be here too, as soon as she finds a better chance to be online. As far as I remember it must happen in a month or so.
As about your bedroom, you just create the one you like and wherever you like. I guess there must be some extra rooms downstairs too.
And all kind of cooking is welcome here, I am doing really lousy job in the kitchen. Exept brewing coffee, of course.
The Veranda
Hati Posted Aug 5, 2002
Great! So you feel yourself comfortable?
Come, look at that sunset - isn't it magnificent? This red colour, sometimes I think that it is so beautiful that it hurts...
Er, looks like I am getting sentimental again...
The Veranda
Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking Posted Aug 5, 2002
I like it more when it is just a bit later, with all the small clouds turning red and purple. And one by one the stars appear.
It will be a great sight here, as there seems to be no light-pollution at all.
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The Veranda
- 81: Titania (gone for lunch) (Aug 5, 2002)
- 82: Bumblebee (Aug 5, 2002)
- 83: Hati (Aug 5, 2002)
- 84: Bumblebee (Aug 5, 2002)
- 85: Hati (Aug 5, 2002)
- 86: Bumblebee (Aug 5, 2002)
- 87: Hati (Aug 5, 2002)
- 88: Also ran 1 (Aug 5, 2002)
- 89: Also ran 1 (Aug 5, 2002)
- 90: Also ran 1 (Aug 5, 2002)
- 91: Hati (Aug 5, 2002)
- 92: Hati (Aug 5, 2002)
- 93: Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking (Aug 5, 2002)
- 94: Hati (Aug 5, 2002)
- 95: Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking (Aug 5, 2002)
- 96: Hati (Aug 5, 2002)
- 97: Researcher 168814 (Aug 5, 2002)
- 98: Hati (Aug 5, 2002)
- 99: Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking (Aug 5, 2002)
- 100: Hati (Aug 5, 2002)
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