A Conversation for The Summerhouse of Hati


Post 321


I think I'd rather stay here for tonight if you don't mind. Maybe I could see the bar some other day.
Bob? May I stay here?


Post 322

Bob the Dinosaur

smiley - bigeyes I... think Noname actually prefers to stay in here?


Post 323

Bob the Dinosaur

You certainly can stay here, Noname smiley - biggrin no problem..
I'll make you a bed in the office upstairs and smiley - biggrin you can lock the office door from the inside smiley - biggrin


Post 324

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin oh come on now, Bob, Noname is a grown up, she can take care of herself .. and a few others besides smiley - biggrin

Come, Noname, we'll hop up to the office and see what we can do there for you?


Post 325


Isn't it... too early. I was thinking about one more smiley - ale... I am not sleepy yet. *looks out of the window with a worried look on her face*


Post 326

Bob the Dinosaur

smiley - biggrin well, there's smiley - ale enough smiley - biggrin now come and sit here, and don't worry. And Hapi will be good enough to get us some food maybe? snacks?


Post 327


How sweet of you! smiley - biggrin


Post 328

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin I'll get us some .. smiley - strawberries ?


Post 329


*claps her hands*
Yes, yes! I love strawberries! smiley - biggrin


Post 330

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin ah .. look: smiley - strawberries, and .. for the heavier eaters smiley - porkpie .. oh, and smiley - crisps ..

have a smiley - strawberry and a smiley - hug


Post 331

Bob the Dinosaur

well, I'll check the brewery .. I'll be at the back, if you need anything you just call out, Noname?


Post 332


smiley - tasmiley - hug

*nibbles smiley - strawberry*

Delicious! Bob, have some too! smiley - biggrin


Post 333


No-no! Stay here, Bob. I don't want to stay alone. I mean... Oh! smiley - erm


Post 334

Bob the Dinosaur

smiley - biggrin there, there.. don't worry, I'll stay right here smiley - biggrin no need to stay here all alone, I'll be here


Post 335


smiley - hug You are soooo nice. smiley - smiley

*sits next to Bob*

Tell me about yourself. smiley - smiley


Post 336

Bob the Dinosaur

smiley - blushsmiley - hug ahhh.. there's not much to tell, really, I'm a dinosaur smiley - biggrin and I thought hootoo over here would be a nice place to stay. Usually I work in the Greenhouse on the smiley - pirateship, or in the brewery here.


Post 337


Is life as a dino interesting? Do you have a family as well? Do dinos live in families at all? Are there any other dinos on hootoo?
This is so exciting! smiley - biggrin


Post 338

Bob the Dinosaur

smiley - biggrin I don't know if life as dino is interesting or not, I've done it for quite a while but I cannot compare it to something else smiley - biggrin and Dino's do not live in families (although some relatives live in groups, herds you'd call them).
and smiley - biggrin I have ten kids running around in the Greenhouse on board of the pirate ship smiley - biggrin but they take care of themselves of course. And their mum is around to see that they don't do anything silly smiley - biggrin or that they don't get hurt

but where do you come from? which garden?


Post 339


Ah, then it wouldn't be much of a problem if you sit and chat here with me, would it? smiley - smiley

I came from this garden here, I believe it belongs to the summerhouse. I don't recall how I got there, perhaps I followed someone.


Post 340

Bob the Dinosaur

smiley - biggrin no problem at all, I'll be happy to chat with you smiley - biggrin The summerhouse is .. somehow connected to the bar. And the Sauna and this brewery are part of the Summerhouse as well smiley - biggrin Hati lives in the Summerhouse, and Hapi most of the time and .. there's others floating in and out. smiley - biggrin it would probably be a good idea for you to meet them .. if you want to that is

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