A Conversation for The Summerhouse of Hati


Post 301

Bob the Dinosaur

smiley - biggrin well.. I wonder what more products I shall have been making some time before there was a brewery


Post 302


May I? What are you brewing here? smiley - ale?


Post 303

Bob the Dinosaur

smiley - bigeyessmiley - biggrin Hi Noname, of course, come in smiley - biggrin I'm Bob, a dinosaur and vegetarian ..

this is the Summerhouse Brewery, we're brewing smiley - ale, gin, and .. since ten years, plum brandy ..


Post 304

Bob the Dinosaur

so .. did you just arrive here? did you have a long trip? do you want a drink? we have .. most drinks
or we can hop off to the bar? you can meet others there


Post 305


*curtseys and comes closer*

Hi Bob! You are so BIG. smiley - bigeyes

May I have a glass of smiley - ale?


Post 306


I have been walking around here, mostly in the garden. Perhaps I got lost for some time. But now I am back. I didn't dare to go into the big house but I thought maybe someone is in this building here since I heard some noise.


Post 307

Bob the Dinosaur

smiley - biggrin here you are smiley - alesmiley - biggrin Summerhouse Ale

and .. the big house here is Hati's summerhouse smiley - biggrin there's a sauna, and more. But you're right, the summerhouse is a bit smallish for me smiley - biggrin the sauna is nice though .. and a bit down the road is the Great Outdoor Bar.. there's usually a quite friendly lot around there smiley - biggrin
there's no need to be afraid around here smiley - biggrin


Post 308


smiley - ta You are nice. smiley - smiley

I have met Hati. smiley - blush And Hapi.

So, you are a brewer? Is it interesting? How do you know how the result will taste? Do you know it in advance?


Post 309

Bob the Dinosaur

ah, you met Hati and Hapi, good. Hati is the .. well.. owner of the summerhouse and Hapi .. runs around here smiley - biggrin

smiley - biggrin and .. well, we're running the brewery here smiley - biggrin Hapi and me. Aaannd brewing smiley - ale isn't that hard really smiley - biggrin

have another smiley - ale ??


Post 310


Yes, please. smiley - smiley


Post 311

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin Noname! so good to see you smiley - biggrin where have you been? you met Bob? ah good smiley - biggrin
and you're having a few smiley - ales .. better smiley - biggrin


Post 312


Well, I got curios and came to see what building it is. Bob has been very nice.


Post 313

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin ah yes.. well, anyway, would it be an idea to move to the bar? there's more people there .. I think?


Post 314


What is it with the bar? Why do you both want to take me there? I feel a bit shy...


Post 315

Bob the Dinosaur

smiley - biggrin ah .. a brewery is hardly a .. social place .. the bar is much nicer, but we can stay here for a while


Post 316


smiley - tasmiley - smiley


Post 317

Bob the Dinosaur

smiley - biggrin that is .. Hapi usually moves out to the bar at this time .. I think I heard Hati call


Post 318

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - bigeyes I didn't hear anything .. but where have you been the last few days, Noname? I couldn't find you in the garden?


Post 319


After meeting Hati in the garden I decided to go somewhere else. I don't want trouble. Or maybe I do but not all the time. smiley - winkeye


Post 320

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - bigeyes Hati? Trouble? noooo, never .. I'm sure she'll be delighted to see you as well smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug shall we go and see her?

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