A Conversation for Ode to a lump of volcanic ash I found in my airplane engine this morning


Post 1


smiley - bubbly

This is very witty, and cleverly uses specialist words. (I couldn't find 'lahar' in my dictionary smiley - erm).

And fancy being able to find a rhyme for Eyjafjallajoekul! smiley - laugh


Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Well done, Bea. Congratulations! smiley - bubbly


Post 3


Thank you, thank you!

It was a great fun one to write - I googled and Wiki-ed volcanic ash, and all those wonderful words just came tumbling out of my search engine. Apologies for the long title smiley - winkeye


Post 4



My fave line is . That's kind of quotable.

cc smiley - ok

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