A Conversation for Human mental behavior and G-strings


Post 1


I don't buy your theory at all. Consider the laser, invented (I think) sometime in the sixties, and it was a bulky affair that filled a room. Nowadays every cd player uses one. Adaption can be very cool.
Consider the computer, it was originally designed (depending on viewpoint) either to compute artillery ballistics or to break enemy codes. That sucks. 'Return to castle Wolfenstein' however, rules!! Once again, adaption wins the day! smiley - smiley


Post 2


Actually the earliest computer was constructed out of wood, had gears and cogs, was built in the mid 19th century, and was constructed to do simple maths. Not well recognized as being the first computer, but the History Channel had a show on it a few years back.

smiley - aliensmile

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