A Conversation for Human mental behavior and G-strings

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A780770 - Human mental behavior and G-strings

Post 1

Stacks Montgomery

Entry: Human mental behavior and G-strings - A780770
Author: Stacks Montgomery - U197901

this is just something i kind of dreamed up while partially ignoring my friends on MSN. it also happens to be my first piece for H2G2 so id appreciate any input on any part of it.

A780770 - Human mental behavior and G-strings

Post 2

Martin Harper

It'd be more appropriate to place this in Writing-Alternative, as it stands. I mean, it looks a pretty finished product, but it's too much opinion for the Edited Guide, I'm afraid.

A780770 - Human mental behavior and G-strings

Post 3

Martin Harper

And you're not here... smiley - erm

I particularly liked this line:

> "the male human body isn’t at all suitable for having a thin piece of material wedged between its buttocks"

Right... and the female body is more suitable how exactly?

A780770 - Human mental behavior and G-strings

Post 4

Oberon2001 (Scout)

Yeah, there's too much of your own opinion in this.... try deleting and it might be appropiate though (just!)

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Collaborative Writing Workshop: A780770 - Human mental behavior and G-strings

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