Human mental behavior and G-strings

2 Conversations

I have come to the conclusion that there are two main types of people in the world: those who create or invent ideas, machines, theories, whatever, basically anything; and adapters, those who adapt an idea, machine, theory, whatever, to suit a different or similar purpose.

A woman loving her underwear Take the inventor of the G-string for example, and in my opinion that man was a genius (why I say man, is a whole other story, ask me another time). The G-string is a brilliant idea, for mainly 2 reasons:

The first, being male specimens love seeing specimens of the opposite sex (i.e. females) wearing them. The second reason being girls use them for the so called "invisible panty-line", which leaves guys staring at the female arse for ages, trying to work out if she is wearing briefs, a G, or nothing underneath her pants. A young lady wondering what to wear for a date

However, back to my main point, the man who "adapted" the G-string to fit MEN is a BLUNDERING IDIOT!!! Who, in half his next-door neighbour's right arm, would like to see a guy wearing one? And at that, what guy would be able to stand wearing it, the male human body isn’t at all suitable for having a thin piece of material wedged between its buttocks.

It is by this principal I have come to the conclusion, inventors are geniuses, they come up with the perfect device for a purpose, and in most occasions, it works extremely well. However the "adaptor"s are idiot fools, who should be nailed to trees as a punishment for their own stupidity.

What is this I hear you ask? What about those of us who aren't famously remembered for inventing something such as the light bulb, or an early version of the helicopter, why aren't we listed here as the third type? A "User".

A very good question I hear myself answer. Every "user", at some stage(s) in their life, will be doing something, they might just be buttering their toast, and think "wouldn't it be good if ... blah blah blah ... so it would save me putting my socks on", and they will go on to think about how they would design this new thing for the purpose OR they will think what other thing they can ADAPT to be used for this purpose. After this they'll probably wonder why their toast takes like fabric softened socks, and their feet feel cold and slimy. It is for this reason there is no such thing as a "User": their mind will think in an inventor, or an adapter's view.

Mouse mats And so, this explains why the internet, and the field of Information Technology is very confusing, because ideas have been stolen from almost every other type of study known to man. File transfer; the sending of documents, pictures, etc, from one computer to another, is the same in principal as cell reproduction in a living body. Computer mice; it has a long tail sticking out of it, lets not worry about the fact it sticks out from the wrong end, that its the size or a rat, or the fact it (as far as we know) has no urge to run in a rotating wheel, lets just call it a mouse, "rat" just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

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