A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A780770 - Human mental behavior and G-strings

Post 1

World Service Memoryshare team

Entry: Human mental behavior and G-strings - A780770
Author: Stacks Montgomery - U197901

This entry has been moved to the Alternative Writing Workshop.

A780770 - Human mental behavior and G-strings

Post 2


Hi Stacks, and welcome to the AWW (if you ever come over and read this), smiley - ok

I read this, and whilst i quite like your style, i'm not exactly convinced by *all* your arguments... you a guy, by any chance? I only ask because of the distinctly partisan tone of one or two phrases...

"Who, in half his next-door neighbour's right arm, would like to see a guy wearing one? And at that, what guy would be able to stand wearing it, the male human body isn’t at all suitable for having a thin piece of material wedged between its buttocks."

smiley - biggrin


A780770 - Human mental behavior and G-strings

Post 3

a girl called Ben

Hiya Stacks, Hiya Spiff

This entry amused me. Like Spiff, I like the style; unlike Spiff I didn't particularly mind that it was pretty male and pretty heterosexual in outlook.

As an admirer of the male backside, (well, *some* male backsides, anyway) I would say that nothing is better than g-strings, but if you must have something rathr than nothing then (from the rear at least) G-strings are better than so many of the alternatives. From the front they have a bad tendency to make me giggle. smiley - laugh

What didn't work for me with this entry was that I could not see what G-Strings had to do with being an early adopter, inventiveness or mice.

It seemed like two entries, not one, intermingled together. I liked the first half, quite liked the second half, but found the mixture rather indigestible.

Which brings me round to the Underguide. A group of researchers are trying to make it easer for readers to find good entries which are not suitable for the Edited Guide. We are referring to whatver eventually emerges as 'the Underguide'. The idea is that Underguide entries are distinguished from normal unedited entries in one or more of the various ways that we are discussing.

Now as this stands I would not personally recommend it for the Underguide, on the basis that it is two entries in one. However, if the entry on G-Strings was - er - beefed up, then that might work for me as an UG entry.

The mice eluded me I am afraid.

smiley - cheers Stacks, and keep on writing.


A780770 - Human mental behavior and G-strings

Post 4


Taking Bens last point this might work if it was kept to the G-String part.

Unfortunately Stacks hasn't posted in over a year.

Bumping this up to get other opinions


A780770 - Human mental behavior and G-strings

Post 5


For all the reasons Ben said and because Stacks looks to be long gone, I suggest a move.


A780770 - Human mental behavior and G-strings

Post 6


seconded for the same reasons

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