A Conversation for The Red Dwarf

Kasei's Cabin

Post 1


After reporting to the Captain's office, I make my way to my small but cosy cabin
This cabin is obviously a space for two people, but apparently, no one else has been assigned as my bunk mate. Against one wall are the bunks, and I take the top one. It's easier top spit on annoying bunkmates from the top.
I dump my pack on the floor and flip open one of the lockers. Whoever was here before me had a bit of an obsession with a teen pop queen from the era surrounding 2002. Who the hell is this 'Britney Spears' character anyway. Her teeth are way too straight and I'm sure those are implants. I spend the next few minutes finding way too much pleasure ripping the posters that adorn the locker into very small pieces.
After roughly shoving my belongings into my locker I turn to the wall that is the home of my vid screen.
"Holly!" I yell
Almost instantly a disembodied head ap[ears with a wiry grin spread across it's face.
"Alright?" Say's the ships computer "What's going down in Groove town?"
"Holly." I say. "I'm bored, what's there to do on this here ship?"................

smiley - magic

Kasei's Cabin

Post 2

Existential Elevator

Hey! D'ya leave any of those Britney Spears posters for me to rip up<?> smiley - evilgrin

Kasei's Cabin

Post 3

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*Walks in with a hairdo like Marge simpson*
*Turns to Holly on the screen*

Kasei's Cabin

Post 4


*catches sight of Rimmer and try's to surpress a fit of giggles*

Erm...smiley - erm hello Mr Rimmer. That's a very fetching haircut you've got there. Do you dye it yourself or is there a hair salon on the ship?

*loses battle to surpress the laugh and falls to the floor in hysterics*
smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

"That's one of my best one's yet" say's a grinning Holly, his head nodding towards Rimmer

*Pulls herself off the floor and lean's roughly on the table*

I'm sorry Mr Rimmer is there something you wanted to see me about?

*Looks at him falls back on the floor laughing so hard that tears are welling in her eyes*
smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

smiley - magic

Kasei's Cabin

Post 5

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*Rimmer, who still believes he has a short crewcut, doesn't understand what all the fuzz is about*
Yes, actually I wanted to see you about the safety protocols on the ship:
No pets
No dinosaurs
No sqiggly, sqoggly tentacle-slugs the size of king-kong
All radioactive isotopes should be kept in confindment or a closet
No spitting
If you see a man looking like something horrible from a horrible movie about something horrible it's just Lister
If that sexy looking woman/man who's your date turns into a sqiggly, sqoggly tentacle-slug the size of king-kong it's a polymorph, if this happens, please report it to EE, Plato, me or someone who cares.

Kasei's Cabin

Post 6

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*pops his head round the door*

Hi anyone at home?

Kasei's Cabin

Post 7


*Slinks over to the table in the centre of the room and flops down in the uncomfortable space-corp issue chair*

*grumble, grumble*
No spitting!
*grumble, grumble*
What, not even over the railings and into the launching bays?
*mutter, mutter*
Ruining all the fun smiley - sadface

Oh well....

Hello Cal, nice of you to stop by.
I was just thinking about taking all these shredded pieces of Britney Spears poster and turning them into a lovely papier mache piniata that I can beat mercilessly later on, but before I do that can I offer you some larger smiley - ale ?

*Looks over at the image of Holly on the wall screen. The ships computer is deeply engaged in the activity of trying to touch his nose with his tounge.*

*Rolls her Eyes*
I.Q. of 6 more like it.......

Kasei's Cabin

Post 8

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*puts his head back on his shoulders*

Sure I'd love one

Kasei's Cabin

Post 9


How'd you do that cal?

Where are my manners, I'm Terran erm... the Terran. I think I became the cook recently, though nothing is for certain round here, so if you want any food ask me, and I'll try to get something for you(the emphasis on try).

Any more of that going around ?

Oh and whats happened to Rimmers head?

Kasei's Cabin

Post 10


G'day Terran
Sure there's always more larger
smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale
but not those three, those are for me
you can have this one
smiley - ale

Rimmer's head? I think Holly is a little bored
*looks again to Holly who is still at it with the tounge on the nose trick*
but I must say the Marge Simpson style really brings out the beadiness in Rimsy's eyes

smiley - biggrin

Kasei's Cabin

Post 11


By the way,
How does one go about getting assigned a post around here.
I'm quite happy to just bum about, but I'm sure there's something I can do on a ship this size.
I'm pretty handy with cocktail mixers, bazookoids, navicomps and if you stick me in front of a microphone I become a rock diva smiley - musicalnotesmiley - divasmiley - musicalnote

Kasei's Cabin

Post 12


I don't know any official route. I just messed about on the bridge for ages, and they gave me a job. Try that, it might work.

Kasei's Cabin

Post 13



I'll just pop along and report to the bridge then.

You fella's can stick around if you want, I mean i bought along plenty of smiley - ale

Oh and see that box over there........ > > > > smiley - gift

open it




*jumps up, smiley - ale in hand and heads out of the cabin to find the bridge*

Kasei's Cabin

Post 14

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

*opens the smiley - gift*........................................

Kasei's Cabin

Post 15


*inside the smiley - gift is a smaller smiley - gift with a note sitting on top. The note reads "If you wish to go any further, be warned: This smiley - gift contains articles which may be offensive to some male viewers."*

Kasei's Cabin

Post 16

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

*looks around anxiously*
*opens the smaller smiley - gift*

"Oh MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kasei's Cabin

Post 17


*Kasei's grinning face replaces Holly on the cabin's vid screen*

Told you not to open it
smiley - biggrin

Hey I've just picked up something odd on the navicomp's scanners, you may want to confim my readings....

Kasei's Cabin

Post 18

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

*Unable to take his eyes from the opened smiley - gift*
*begins sobbing uncontrolably*

What have you done to my Britney Posters ?

Kasei's Cabin

Post 19


*Still appearing via vid screen from the Bridge*

That there is a voodoo replica of Little Miss Spears, I plastered it with bit's of the hideous posters I found in my locker. I figure that I can shoot it with a bazookoid later and hopefully we'll be able to see wheather sympathetic magick works 3,000,000 years in retrospective
smiley - laugh's

Now, I'm wondering....... is the fact that I've picked up signs of artificall intelligence on a planetoid in quadrant 3 might be something that we should investigate?

Kasei's Cabin

Post 20

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

artificial intelligence you say? well I guess artificial is better than none at all smiley - silly

*puts the voodoo Britney voodoo doll in my pocket for safe keeping*
*heads off to the navicom to see what's cooking*

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