A Conversation for Quests of Middle Earth


Post 81

The Rogue aka Phoniex

Hello n'kai, this is where you train those men of yours! It doesnt matter to me, only why you want us here?


Post 82

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[N'kai] Simple. Someone hired Malkien to hire me. He has told me there's trouble to the north, so I'll lead my men up there, and we'll be ambushed, and killed. Total and utter crap if you ask me. I can match anyone in Naggaroth in any type of combat, be it ranged, magical or melee. I wanted you along to assist me however you can. The more of them that die, the happier I'll be.


Post 83

The Rogue aka Phoniex

Good, at least your taking me seriously, I cant wait to help, something exciting


Post 84

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[N'kai] We leave in the morning. I wish to rest first, the wildlife doesn't like me.


Post 85

The Rogue aka Phoniex

*laughs* doesnt it, has scence then


Post 86

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[N'kai] Just because you're a 40ft winged lion doesn't mean you can make a meal out of me... shame he didn't know that...


Post 87

The Rogue aka Phoniex

they wouldnt try it with me


Post 88


I do my best to avoid 40ft winged lions


Post 89

The Rogue aka Phoniex

You cant in some places


Post 90


Then i try to be sneeky


Post 91

The Rogue aka Phoniex

You cant hide from them when they're angry, they've got powerful magic of their own


Post 92


Thats the great thing about having armor that absorbs magic


Post 93

The Rogue aka Phoniex

your magic isnt that strong


Post 94

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[N'kai] Armour that absorbs magic? Would you like to test that?


Post 95

The Rogue aka Phoniex

NO n'kai, we need him, dont blow him up. The armour is only strong for people with medium strength magic, not yours or mine


Post 96


Not now i'm wearing this black chestplate your men gave me, and besides i've already tested it


Post 97

The Rogue aka Phoniex

have you seen the limits of either of are power?


Post 98


type night late yes maybe?

My Armor is not affected by magic, it is almost completely antimagicial in make up


Post 99

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[N'kai] Let me tell you something. Anti-magic doesn't always work. Even the most powerful mages can be bested. The winds of magic can be fickle. Sometimes a spell with be cast with such force that nothing can stop it, other times it will backfire. Sometimes the biggest danger to me is myself. However, my armour is very effective against magical attacks, as well as physical...


Post 100

The Rogue aka Phoniex

I tend to use my magic its self to defend me, I dont trust armour as it always has a weakness, You can never say that something will stop all magic because you dont know the extent of all magic

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