Abi's Community Column
Created | Updated Sep 10, 2002
A big hello from the Deputy Community Editor. Hope you are all well and happy! A fairly short column this week as I am busy as a busy bee organising the ...
Summer Party
What are you doing on the 20th July? Well if you are near London, then why not come and meet the Italics and spend a great day at the h2g2 Summer Party? The Community Team are hard at work sorting out the final details. As usual there will be an afternoon and evening event. So come along to one or the other or both. Hope to see you there!
My 5 Favourite Edited Entries
Here are my favourite new h2g2 entries from the last week:
With all eyes on Japan, we bring you the story of the Fugu Fish, a tricky little dish if ever there was one.
If you are trying to keep up with The World Cup but are having trouble with the rules of the game, the brush up your knowledge of the back pass rule.
Two fantastic recipes appeared on the front page this week. Lemon Chicken and Chocolate Brownies will please your tummy no end!
Fans of film are usually fans of the Coen Brothers. Find out about the films of two of America's greatest contemporary cinematographers.
Ask h2g2
Here are my favourite conversations from Ask
A stunning view is one of the most heart lifting sights in the world. Do you have a favourite view? Mine is... a secret actually. Don't want the whole world turning up there.
Is there a connection between food and love? I think there is after all they both make me feel excessively good!
Speaking of food, the Community are being interrogated to find out what is in their lunchbox. What sandwich are you eating?
If you want to get an idea of just how far apart the h2g2 Community are, why not check out the thread dedicated to what the weather is near you. Sunny mainly.
Well that's it for this week folks. If you have any suggestions for items to be included in this column or to be featured in Abi's Activities, do let me know.