A Conversation for Join the League/Club of Incredibly Super Ultra Smartly Intelligent Children of the Mind

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 441



smiley - blacksheep

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 442



smiley - blacksheep

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 443

Darth Zaphod

I'll be offline for a few days....so try to keep the backlog minimal, just for me, k?! smiley - winkeyesmiley - love

DZsmiley - planet

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 444


We haven't been talking much anyway. Andu's busy, I think Quille's dead, and Moose has abandoned us

smiley - blacksheep

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 445


Oh, there is no S.O.B. smiley smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 446

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

since when do you give a **** whether i'm here or not?
although, quille IS definitely dead...

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 447


I don't dislike you moosey!

ANDU!! HEY I MADE AN UPDATE!!! Maybe if I yell louder...

smiley - blacksheep

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 448

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

no. you don't dislike me, you just wish fervently that i would die.


LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 449


No, where do you get the idea that I want you to die? You torched my smiley - blacksheep and now I have to smiley - towel him off

smiley - blacksheep

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 450

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

perhaps i got it from the constant condescending rudeness...insolent child...

sorry...but the towel smiley is andy's sign-off thingy and it looks like you're proposing to rub andrew all over your stupid sheep.

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 451


I'm not. Andu doesn't get on anymore. Me? I've read all 42 AggGags I've read the entire comics archive and Peer Review doesn't keep me busy enough

smiley - blacksheep

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 452

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

is this in the wrong conversation, or am i supposeed to understand that?

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 453

Quille the cynic...TC

I'm alive! sort of!
Will we have to replace our loved leader with the again? HEhehe..
And happy terribly late birthday Jordan. You can't expect me to do things on time can you? smiley - cakesmiley - gift oh..did I put that in there? smiley - sorrysmiley - cheesecakesmiley - spork
Hello Moose and Darth! There may be someone joining our ranks soon. Not sure though. U225997 ---nick's SpaceDracula. Think you'll enjoy him Jodan.
By the by Jodan, are you our new leader or summat? Wonderful Guide entry too!
smiley - elf

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 454


Uhh. No, andu is still alive. He just doesn't show it

I'm looking at him right now, actually smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 455

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

smiley - run

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 456

Quille the cynic...TC

smiley - sadface We miss andu! Maybe.
smiley - elf

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 457


He hasn't had much time for h2g2 lately. Maybe we should reinstate the smiley - dragon?

smiley - blacksheep

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 458

Andrew 3.0 Pro

NO! i am here. present. absent. whatever the right one is.


smiley - towel

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 459


Oh good. Would you prefer the species change operation to a blue or green smiley - dragon?

smiley - blacksheep

LCCM Project #1 (Now more than before)

Post 460

Quille the cynic...TC

Hey Andu, I went to London too! How'd you like it? We never had a real English meal (thank the parents for their thoughtfulness). We ate Italian or bits we bought from Tesco down the street.
Anyhow all these subtle name changes are getting to me Jodan. Bah. smiley - sheep Hmm I should most likely list some of the facts I know, but sadly, I keep forgetting them. Jodan I'm gonna get around to reading some of your interesting guide entries soon. They should be cynical enough to suit even me, right?
smiley - elf

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