A Conversation for The hitherto Unknown Secrets of Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Peer Review: A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Sprant; the Stygian One Started conversation May 24, 2002
Entry: Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist - A756443
Author: Sprant - U195116
Perhaps for the 'humour' section? Oh, I don't know. Stick it somewhere if you like it. Feel free to ignore it if you don't. We'll still be friends.
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Smij - Formerly Jimster Posted May 25, 2002
I like this. Dunno why, but it's well-written so that's always a good start. The title's great too, though for an edited entry it would probably be better as "Tooth Extraction - a personal acccount" or something similar - keep the "Crouching Dentist" title for a header in the body of the text.
While this kind of "first person" thing is generally discouraged, slap it all between blockquote and italic tags and it'd work quite well alongside some of the other personal accounts.
(a dentist-phobe!!!!)
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Sprant; the Stygian One Posted May 25, 2002
Why thank you, kind sir . I will try and make some formatting changes as you suggest once I get the hang of this (excellent) site. As you may have guessed, I'm a newbie here.
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Sprant; the Stygian One Posted May 25, 2002
I have changed this about a bit - let me know what you think.
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Captain Kebab Posted May 26, 2002
I think this is Scary, but
- it had me giggling and cringing at the same time. I think it's definitely one for the edited Guide - there wasn't any first person stuff at all when I read it - I presume it was rewritten out.
Spotted a typo on the third line - stuggling should be struggling. Although I don't know, stuggling sounds like fun! ;-:
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Sprant; the Stygian One Posted Jun 3, 2002
I have now completed my final editing of this piece, incorporating the useful advice I have been given. I now throw myself on the mercy of the scouts. Look forward to some feedback
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Sprant; the Stygian One Posted Jun 5, 2002
Scouts? (Listens to echo of bloke talking to himself.)
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Sprant; the Stygian One Posted Jun 5, 2002
"Chichz, chichz"
"What's that Flipper? Someone's fallen up a Geselleschaft?"
"I'll follow you mate, I hear there are scouts in that office, meinen liebschun fischen bloken. They may be rubbing the legs of small boys together but I'm sure they will get down to business shortly - where there is adolescent tibial friction, there is sure to be a piece of adolescent tribal fiction (sorry, FACT) worth reviewing!"
Blows hole.
Sprant - dolphin apparent
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Evil Zombie Strider Posted Jun 6, 2002
This is great material. I have a couple quibbles, though:
You use the first person. Big no-no on the Ed's list, since we want all entries to be general guides that apply to everybody. You also use the second person *quite* alot. This isn't really forbidden, but it's slightly frowned upon when used alot. Maybe just a little editing to cut down the number of appearances would be in order.
You're going to have to remove the image. As appropriate as it may be, it has another Edited Entry that it was made for. However, if your entry gets Editor's pick, you'll get your very own picture ()!
Also, the sub will just have to make the orange text not orange, so you might as well do it yourself first.
The content, however, is all there!
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Sprant; the Stygian One Posted Jun 6, 2002
Hellooo there, Strider!
There I was, prattling away to myself in what, frankly, I considered a no-scout zone and then up you pop like a nuclear submarine after the captain's farted
Quibble away my new, dear, friend (anyone who talks to me at all in this place is a friend for life and has reserved a place on my mantle.) BUT to take your points, in no particular order:
1. The piece was originally written entirely in the first person but JIMSTER sorted this here newbie out and suggested that I not do that thing. THUS I rewrote the piece from soup to nuts. (I had to take several courses, but I paid for them out of my own money.)
2. In order to achieve this, I resorted almost entirely (as your hawk-like eye has spotted) to the second person, which I believed was 'de rigueur'.
3. If this is not going to wash, I am afraid I am going to run out of people altogether. The third person, apart from running off like a a skint dad being chased by the CPA, is Soooooooooooooo BORING!!!
4. Feel free to wield the blue pencil and give me your suggestions for any changes. I will take any criticism bravely and on the chin, like a man (ooh, er.)
5. The picture has been eradicated. It never was. It is no more and belongs to an entirely different time-line that, perhaps, could have been.
6. I used orange because I saw other guide entries with sub-headings in that colour. I actually went to a great deal of trouble (well, not really, I confess) to check the GML of extant guide entries to check what I should use. Pathetic, eh? Should have just left it to the professionals. I mean, what's the use of trying to get it right when you're just doomed to failure. Homer Simpson had the right of it "Son, just trying is the first step to failing", or sommat like that
ANYWAY , I am chuffed to bits that someone else has taken the time to look at my bit of silliness and appreciate your comments and constructive assistance more than you can know.
Many thanks and look forward to hearing from you.
Your Cervantes
Don Qui Ote
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page Posted Jun 8, 2002
I think this entry looks rather good now.....
I saw it a while back and wasnt wildly impressed, but this time round I have had problems staying in my seat so well done.
I am reminded why I elected to have mine removed under a general anaesthetic.......
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Sprant; the Stygian One Posted Jun 8, 2002
I hadn't realised the Borg had got around to assimilating Tribbles. Was it painful? I didn't like that bit where the drill goes into one eye but you don't have any, do you, so that's alright then. Are you still soft and cuddly or a have you gone a bit pointy and sharp now?
Must hamper you quite severely in all that rolling around and falling out of cupboards you used to do.
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page Posted Jun 8, 2002
anal probes......need i say more.
the borg got hold of the tribbles some while back as they wanted to increase their population quickly......
unfortunately for them Cap'n Picard and co managed to introduce taht virus thingy viw Hugh and Janeway also stuck her paws in.....the result is that the entire collective is now functioning independantly as singular units and breeding very quickly......
and borg tribbles just have metal bits in the fur. neither one thing or another really
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Sprant; the Stygian One Posted Jun 10, 2002
"Chichz, chichz"
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Sprant; the Stygian One Posted Jun 13, 2002
Hi there Jimster, just wanted to know what you thought of the changes I made to this piece.
Just curious
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jun 14, 2002
Hi Sprant!
An amusing piece. I know someone who never has injections for fillings (I don't think she has had any out, though), so not everyone has your view of dentists. If anyone was afraid of going to the dentist, reading your account would make them feel a lot better ... or would it?
I'd like a bit of scene setting. Either the wisdom tooth goes - or what?
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Sprant; the Stygian One Posted Jun 14, 2002
Hi Zarquon and thanks for the comment
The whole piece is supposed to be very (swollen) tongue-in-cheek and designed to be so over the top that the reader gets the idea that it can't be that bad
I deliberately stayed away from the scene-setting as it would then come to resemble another, more factual, piece already done. The reasons people have wisdom teeth out are quite boring really - they hurt.
I have had fillings without injections (three simultaneously) but only the ONCE. You would be hard pressed to get me to repeat the experience I think your friend might think twice also, if he/she had to have an extraction
although I have heard of some psychopathic woman dentist in the US who made the record books by doing her own root-canal work using a mirror
A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
Sho - employed again! Posted Jun 14, 2002
so... you were sitting in the corner while I had my tooth extracted?
Key: Complain about this post
Peer Review: A756443 - Hidden Gouger, Crouching Dentist
- 1: Sprant; the Stygian One (May 24, 2002)
- 2: Smij - Formerly Jimster (May 25, 2002)
- 3: Sprant; the Stygian One (May 25, 2002)
- 4: Sprant; the Stygian One (May 25, 2002)
- 5: Captain Kebab (May 26, 2002)
- 6: Sprant; the Stygian One (May 29, 2002)
- 7: Sprant; the Stygian One (Jun 3, 2002)
- 8: Sprant; the Stygian One (Jun 5, 2002)
- 9: Sprant; the Stygian One (Jun 5, 2002)
- 10: Evil Zombie Strider (Jun 6, 2002)
- 11: Sprant; the Stygian One (Jun 6, 2002)
- 12: Sprant; the Stygian One (Jun 7, 2002)
- 13: FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page (Jun 8, 2002)
- 14: Sprant; the Stygian One (Jun 8, 2002)
- 15: FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page (Jun 8, 2002)
- 16: Sprant; the Stygian One (Jun 10, 2002)
- 17: Sprant; the Stygian One (Jun 13, 2002)
- 18: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Jun 14, 2002)
- 19: Sprant; the Stygian One (Jun 14, 2002)
- 20: Sho - employed again! (Jun 14, 2002)
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