A Conversation for Student Vacation Work

Peer Review: A753699 - Student Vacation Work

Post 1


Entry: Student Vacation Work - A753699
Author: jigglyfrog - U181515

i just want to know what people think!

A753699 - Student Vacation Work

Post 2

The GR Manoeuvre --- a posting a day keeps the reaper away

Hi there!

I'm afraid that there is already an Edited Entry on Student Jobs here: A738614. I would read that and see where you want to take your own Entry from there.

Also, have you read the Writing-Guidelines? This will give an guideline of how Entries that are in the Edited Guide are based aroundsmiley - smiley

Caper Plipsmiley - borgsmiley - tennisball

A753699 - Student Vacation Work

Post 3

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

yup, i agree with caper plip,

but i just had to pop in and say that i really like your name!


A753699 - Student Vacation Work

Post 4


thanks! its about the only original thing i have... :'(

yeah, that wasn't really guide standard, i know. just thought i'd get an opinion...

smiley - cheers
kat x

A753699 - Student Vacation Work

Post 5

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

jigglyfrog, there is no such thing as not good enough for the guide, if it comes to peer review and its not good enough then it gets sent to writing work shop until it is good enough, all it takes is a bit of committment and a lot of communication.

dont give up, do write something. there are endless possibilities to write about student related things, mjust do a search firsts and make sure no one elkse has done it.

or just write about something totally different. there are articles here on everything.

looking forward to seeing you around.

A753699 - Student Vacation Work

Post 6


Hi jigglyfrog (also like the name!)

I just wanted you to know that the advice given in THIS THREAD of peer review is given in the nicest way I've just about ever seen.

Caper and FABT: thank you for being so understanding to a new user. This is the way good relationships are made online. This helps colaboration and future contributions from a creative author.

jiggyfrog, I hope you write more; I'll be looking for future works!


A753699 - Student Vacation Work

Post 7

Dr Hell

If you are just interested in the oppinions, and discuss things, then PR is not the best place to go. Debates and oppinions CAN be discussed here, but - I think that's the consensus - only if the original intention is to include the entry. An example:

Someone writes an Enrty titled 'Why I hate pickles' (an extreme example) and wants to hear oppinions and discuss. The entry does not have the potential to ever get included into the Edited guide. Even if people agree or disagree with the CONTENTS of the entry - in this case the PR is not the right forum. There are more appropriate fora in h2g2 where stuff like this can be discussed over.

Another example:

Someone writes an entry entitled: 'The influence of Jimi Hendrix in Stevie Ray Vaughn's Guitar playing'. Let us assume the entry has potential to be included. Some aspects and overinterpretations can be (and sometimes are arduously) discussed in PR. In this case there is a consensus... Like 'This and this and that might be wrong, but hey, is it just my interpretation?... And so it goes...

See? The problem with THIS entry - remember! just as far as inclusion into the EDITED part of the guide is concerned, and IMHO - is that it shines light on the 'student vacation work' from a very special and restricted perspective. Think about a student in Brazil reading this. From the title he'd probably expect some general tips or ideas, maybe he doesn't know where to work in his vacations and is looking for a good idea. When he reads this entry he finds out what some bloke living somewhere else did and why he'd rather like being paid for sitting in the sun...

Uff... In any case: If you want to include an entry to the Edited guide, try to be more general and informative. In that case you would have to do some serious re-writing (my advice in this case is that you removed this thread from PR while you do the changes). On the other hand if you just want to discuss things, try to subit this to other fora. In that case my advice would be that you should remove this thread from PR.


A753699 - Student Vacation Work

Post 8

The GR Manoeuvre --- a posting a day keeps the reaper away

Well, I GRed this originally, and it appears to have not been changed... thoughts? Back to the Entry?

Caper Plipsmiley - runsmiley - football

A753699 - Student Vacation Work

Post 9

Dr Hell

See? That's one of the reasons why I set A818822 up. You write a huge well-intended reply, giving suggestions and comments, and what happens?

The Author was a one-day-fly and Elvisses out of existance.



A753699 - Student Vacation Work

Post 10

Dr Hell

...seconded, just in case you need it.


A753699 - Student Vacation Work

Post 11


If it helps, I appreciate your advice, and when I get time I will rewrite the thing. Essay for uni kind of take precidence, sorry.

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