Student Vacation Work

2 Conversations

Vacation Work...what's that about? You slave all year (alright, sit about in the union developing your alcoholic tendencies and squandering your lack-of 'loan') and all you have to show for it is a decrepit bank balance and a pile of dirty washing.

Summer work is pretty much mandatory. Unless by some freak of wealth you can afford to be a student, damn you ;). Again with the slaving. I worked two jobs last summer just to pay to be able to afford to eat this year (slight exageration, but you get the point). Madness. This summer will be interesting too, because apart from the fact that nowhere seems to want people just for the summer, the others never want you for enough hours, or high enough pay, as I discovered.

So, say it's the end of the summer. The kiddies are back at school and with two and a half weeks before I'm to intrepid explorer back to uni my bank balance is looking fairly healthy. Not rich-healthy, but not overdrawn. This can only be a good thing. Yes, ok, summer work is definitely worth it, if only for the cash and the CV-enhancement.

It's interesting that the term after the summer is the term in which you have to buy Christmas presents. I spend too much, every year. Then term two is Easter eggs - there's something at the end of every term! The May Ball was the third term's big spender, and for what? Yes, a good night out with your friends, but then it's a matter of weeks till you have to go through the slave labor thing all over again. I just wish I could get paid for sitting in the sun... :-D

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